Starbucks is scrapping a policy that had let anyone hang out at its cafes or use the restrooms without making a purchase. read more
The House voted on Tuesday to pass a GOP-led bill that would ban transgender athletes from women's and girls' sports at federally funded schools and educational institutions. The legislation is expected to next be taken up by the GOP-controlled Senate. Republicans put attacks on Democrats over transgender issues front and center in competitive races during the last election cycle, including at the top of the ticket with President-elect Donald Trump. read more
A telecommunications cable was reportedly damaged by a ship near Yehliu, New Taipei City in the early hours of Friday - just days after Russia was accused of sabotage in the Baltic Sea by dragging anchor. Despite the ship sailing under a Cameroonian flag, Taiwan officials believe it is owned by China. read more
Recent US intelligence reports the Houthis, backed by Iran, are using Chinese-made weapons to carry out attacks on shipping in the Red Sea. In return, they have reportedly agreed not to target Chinese vessels. This alarming exchange began after Houthi leaders traveled to China in 2023 and 2024 to establish a direct supply chain for weapons and advanced technology. read more
An Alabama mother who survived the brutal New Orleans terror attack on New Year's Day battled her employer, Amazon, for a leave of absence from her warehouse job but faced refusal at first. The young woman found herself amid chaos on Bourbon Street where she got caught under an assailant's vehicle and shot in the foot, which ended up with multiple fractures and a retained bullet. Amazon later made a U-turn after public outcry, extending paid time off to 23-year-old Alexis Scott-Windham as she recovers. read more
there may be a link between high levels of fluoride exposure and lowered IQ.
Makes sense! I've resolutely avoided fluoride my entire life and I'm the smartest person I know!
Why is the GOP escalating attacks on trans rights? Experts say the goal is to make sure evangelicals vote
#8 | Posted by LauraMohr
And it worked! Also gets a lot of moderate support as well.
A Franklin & Marshall College Poll released last month showed that 64 percent of Pennsylvania voters were opposed to trans women competing in women's sports; 29 percent approved.Jill Stein 2028!, May 16, 2022
Specifically, can you point to any healthcare professional who doesn't testify that children are regularly and deliberately sniped through the skull on the daily by IDF?
#38 | Posted by redlightrobot
Sometimes four or five times a day on high holidays. Please respect other cultures.
You're a simple bigot, Censored.
#39 | Posted by redlightrobot
Right, no results for your search for "atrocities committed by Palestinians. Thanks for confirming!
Here you go; an abridged list for your reading enjoyment:
Palestinian war crimes
What you do not seem to understand is that every healthcare professional is against you, personally.
They find you feckless and immoral.
Almost as much as they do Biden.
#33 | Posted by redlightrobot
Oh no! Healthcare professionals don't like me? Good thing they don't call the shots on anything other than charging patients $100 for a Tylenol. And voting for Trump. (Your Surgeon Is Probably a Republican, Your Psychiatrist Probably a Democrat ).
In other news:
Idaho Republicans file resolution to repeal marriage equalityBut yes, let's punish the only sane party for not ending millenia of Middle East discord. Because it's not like we have any pressing interests we need to protect in our own nation.
Idaho Republican legislators have introduced a resolution on Tuesday urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 decision that established marriage equality nationwide.
The measure, House Joint Memorial 1, claims the Supreme Court overstepped its authority by requiring states to recognize same-sex marriages. It also calls for a return to the so-called "natural definition" of marriage as between one man and one woman, a concept supporters insist is rooted in tradition.
I know, just crazy-talk.
I'm just spit balling here, but I suppose one strategy would be for the government to create a body to arrest people who steal and then for a separate governmental body to try them for their crimes and sentence them to criminal punishment.