MAGATS are ------- retarded.
While that may/may not be true, I am beginning to think that its more about their feelings of entitlement to all of the benefits that American society can bestow on them. And, as a result, they will bend and break the rules whenever it suits them and not feel one iota of regret. Also, they KNOW that the resources to fund benefits are limited and therefore, if extended to all citizens, there will be less for them. So, they decide not to extend the benefits to those considered unworthy. Who are the unworthy? For the entirety of American history, we know that the unworthy were considered to be POC and their descendants.
MAGATS are ------- retarded.
While that may/may not be true, I am beginning to think that its more about their feelings of entitlement to all of the benefits that American society can bestow on them. And, as a result, they will bend and break the rules whenever it suits them and not feel one iota of regret. Also, they KNOW that the resources to fund benefits are limited and therefore, if extended to all citizens, there will be less for them. So, they decide not to extend the benefits to those considered unworthy. Who are the unworthy? For the entirety of American history, we know that the unworthy were considered to be POC and their descendants.