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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bernie Sanders: What the media should be doing, in my view, is focusing on the contrast between Joe Biden, what his record is and what his vision is for the future, not just what happened in a debate. And if you want to talk about cognitive capabilities and you want to talk about things that people say, take a hard look at Donald Trump as well. read more

Friday, July 19, 2024

In the immediate aftermath of the failed assassination attempt, Trump announced he was tearing up and rewriting his speech. Reporters breathlessly declared a new speech would herald the arrival of a new man altogether. "Republicans who have observed and spoken with former President Donald Trump say they have detected a new softness to the man," reported Politico, hilariously.

Will Bunch: I came to the American heartland to cover a political convention, but all I found was a tent revival, Brother Trump's Traveling Salvation Show. read more


It's not the party of Ronald Reagan anymore

No, in their minds, it's God's party:

All week, Republican heavyweights pronounced that God had his hand on Trump, and that this miraculous, divine intervention saved not only Trump's life, but America itself. "GOD protected President Trump yesterday," House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) tweeted Sunday morning. He told right-wing broadcaster Ben Shapiro, "I think God's gonna give our nation another chance, and I think President Trump is gonna be the leader that does that."

For Trump supporters, Trump's survival is decisive proof God is on his side. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, who represents a south Florida district, tweeted a cartoon meme of an angelic hand deflecting a bullet from Trump's head. "Si Dios contigo, quin contra ti?" she wrote. (If God is with you, who can be against you?)

At the Republican National Convention, Trump loyalists lined up to declare a miracle had saved God's chosen one. "The devil came to Pennsylvania holding a rifle," Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina said Monday night. "But the American lion got back up on his feet and he roared!" MAGA star Marjorie Taylor Greene added, "Two days ago, evil came for the man we admire and love so much. I thank God that his hand was on President Trump." Arkansas governor and former Trump White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, "God Almighty intervened, because America is one nation under God, and He is not done with President Trump."

Other Republicans were even more explicit about how the assassination attempt proves that Christians are locked in spiritual warfare against evil enemies. Tucker Carlson, whose floundering post-Fox career has been revitalized by his outsized presence at the RNC, told a Heritage Foundation gathering on Monday that the assassination attempt proved "there is a spiritual battle underway," and warned that forces that are "against Trump" are "hoping to eliminate" Christians, a statement amplified on the Christian Broadcasting Network.Trump campaign spokesperson Caroline Sunshine, appearing on Fox News on Tuesday, called the left "godless," and then cited Ephesians 6:11 and the need for Trump supporters to "put on the full armor of God." In her convention speech Wednesday night, Kimberly Guilfoyle, the fiance of Donald Trump Jr., proclaimed, "God has put an armor of protection on Donald Trump."


Face it
The GOP staged all this

Well, when you read sh--stuff like this, I can see why some folks would say, "Hmmmm":

Making A Messiah: Allies Cast Trump As Divine Commander Following Assassination Attempt

Less than 24 hours after Donald Trump survived an assassin's bullet in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, Jack Posobiec, the far-right conspiracy theorist and MAGA rabble-rouser, tweeted a Bible verse. "The bullets were fired at 6:11pm," Posobiec, who is Catholic, wrote. "Ephesians 6:11." The Bible verse, which reads, "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes," is key to the spiritual warfare that Christian nationalists have made the centerpiece of Trumpian politics. They pit Trumpism against democracy in a cosmic showdown between the godly and the demonic, believing they are on a divine mission to save a debased America from the evil left, with Trump as God's battle commander.

Posobiec's Sunday morning lesson in numerology and spiritual warfare took off like wildfire in MAGA circles. For the Trump faithful who believe God anointed him president and, after the attempt on his life, that God protected him from death, there are no coincidences--only miracles, signs, and wonders. Charlie Kirk, the founder of the far-right Turning Point USA and a fellow denizen of the conspiratorial fever swamps of X, chimed in on Posobiec's tweet. "Armor of God," he replied, just in case Posobiec's meaning was lost on anyone. "The next verse is this: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.'" For good measure, Posobiec replied to Kirk, quoting the next verse, Ephesians 6:13. "Therefore, put on the armor of God," he concluded, "that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground."


Marshall's article cites the WPIX article I've been posting about the 4 officers near Trump being injured by flying debris and treated at the same Butler hospital at the same time Trump was. What I hadn't realized is that initial reports from PA State Police had indicated Trump was hit by shards of glass. Marshall had previously written on that report several days ago, but I had missed that it. Here is a link to that article:

Still Looking for More Information on This

Here's why I'm still looking for more information on this.

Shortly after the incident occurred, multiple credentialed reporters reported via social media that Trump had been hit by glass or plexiglass shards rather than by a bullet. This was reported by journalists from Axios, The Bulwark, Newsmax, TMZ and others. The clearest sourcing, by Newsmax, attributed this to the Pennsylvania State Police. Another report attributed it to a source who had spoken with the Secret Service. Axios reporter Juliegrace Brufke cited it to a "source familiar" but later deleted her tweet without explanation.

It is important to note that initial reports are frequently wrong in cases like this, and not necessarily because reporters get it wrong themselves but because even law enforcement is working with patchwork and preliminary information. But the way this progressed is that this was all the reporting there was. Then former President Trump posted on Truth Social saying he'd been hit with a bullet. And that was it. That's when the story changed, but there hasn't been any official word on Trump's injuries from law enforcement or the medical team that treat him. It feels like an omission, not in a conspiratorial sense, just a departure from the level of transparency we've come to expect in situations like this, at least until Trump came along.

To be clear, I had assumed Trump's account was accurate and that there would later be some official word with additional details either from local or federal law enforcement or from some medical report. I assume, though I don't know, that an initial medical examination could have determined this. But to the best of my knowledge that has not yet been reported publicly. Maybe I've missed some sourcing for this other than Trump himself. So if you've seen that please send it to me. But from what I can tell everything goes back to Trump's post on Truth Social.

At a minimum it seems like there should be some explanation of what the incorrect reports were based on, especially if it involves deleting a breaking news tweet without explanation. But again, fog of war. Initial reports are often wrong. Nothing to be ashamed of, etc.


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