Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

With prominent journalists and pundits spending so much time these days scolding Kamala Harris for not yet releasing an all-encompassing policy platform, it's worth considering how the Biden-Harris administration is fighting to make rents more affordable. read more

The raids have triggered outrage and cries of voter suppression in a state with a long history of discrimination against citizens of Mexican descent, which helped give rise to LULAC. read more

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A federal judge has dismissed charges against a Kansas man for possessing a machine gun, saying prosecutors failed to establish that a federal ban on owning such weapons is constitutional. read more

Saturday, August 24, 2024

A dozen former Bush and Reagan administration lawyers came out in a letter to Fox News on Friday with an endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. "We endorse Kamala Harris and support her election as President because we believe that returning former President Trump to office would threaten American democracy and undermine the rule of law in our country," the group, wrote in the letter. " read more

Friday, August 23, 2024

Normally, economic impact statements are not required to be on the ballot accompanying a Florida state Constitutional Amendment pertaining to civil libertites, but Gov. Ron DeSantis is requiring one for the proposed abortion Amendment. read more


He was against Trump before he was for him:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr
President Trump scammed American workers. He promised to bring back manufacturing, raise wages, fix trade deals, close the carried interest loophole, and help small farmers. But everything President Trump achieved were things the Republican machine wanted. We got a tax cut for Jeff Bezos, deregulation for special interests, and giveaways to agriculture conglomerates.

President Trump let the Bush wing of the GOP run all his agencies. His Interior Secretary was an oil & gas lobbyist. His Defense Secretary was a Raytheon lobbyist. His EPA Administrator was a coal lobbyist. His HHS Secretary was a pharmaceutical lobbyist. And his Labor Secretary was a lawyer for mega corporations.

President Trump's supposed support for farmers ($28 billion) all went to Big Ag conglomerates.

We had the worst rioting and looting this country had seen since the 60s under President Trump. He inflamed racial tensions and didn't keep us safe. Instead of using federal law enforcement to stop the rioting, Trump thought it was good optics to let Democrat-run cities burn.

President Trump bragged about arming Ukraine more than Obama did. He also walked away unilaterally from the intermediate range nuclear missile treaty with Russia, destabilizing our relationship. He also exacerbated tensions between Ukraine and Russia that ultimately caused a war.

Trump appointed the worst neocons to the highest positions of power in his administration: John Bolton, HR McMaster, and Robert O'Brien. Now, Lindsey Graham is one of his top advisors and likely to be his Secretary of State.

President Trump bombed Syria, killed an Iranian general, and failed to fulfill his promise of ending the war in Afghanistan.

President Trump invented lockdowns. He shut down millions of small businesses and facilitated the greatest wealth transfer to billionaires in this country's history.

President Trump did nothing to solve the opioid crisis. It got far worse under his tenure while his appointees running HHS were in the pocket of big pharma.

If you think a second Trump term would be any different, you are engaging in wishful thinking.
10:08 PM May 26, 2024

Eye-opening information:

Here's the website for the group running a tribute to the 20 Jan6ers (most convicted of assault) who created a music video with Trump.

The effort is led by Shane Jenkins, who was convicted by a jury on March 29, 2023.

Here's his verdict sheet. Civil disorder, obstruction, assaulting cops w/desk drawer and sticks, destruction of govt property, deadly weapon (a tomahawk), all guilty. (The obstruction conviction will be reviewed.)

This is Shane Jenkins' rap sheet BEFORE he assaulted cops at Trump's behest.

Shane Jenkins won't be able to make the special event. He's in Terre Haute through 2027, unless Trump pardons him.

"I have murder in my heart," Shane Jenkins said on Jan7.

"It was the most amazing thing ever," Shane Jenkins said of assaulting the Capitol and cops.

This is whom the GOP candidate for President is celebrating: A serial criminal who brought a tomahawk to the Capitol and used a desk drawer to assault a cop.

And Jenkins is just ONE of the thugs whom Trump is celebrating here.

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