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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

For 15 years, VC billionaire Vinod Khosla has been battling to restrict access to a beach near his home in the San Francisco area -- and his fight was just dealt another blow. read more

Friday, May 10, 2024

The beneficiaries of the government's cleanup efforts include Century Aluminum Company, which could receive up to half a billion dollars to build the nation's first new aluminum smelter in 45 years. The facility, dubbed the Green Aluminum Smelter, could double the amount of virgin, or primary, aluminum the country produces while emitting 75 percent less CO2 than older smelters, thanks to increased efficiency and the use of renewable electricity. The grant, which is awaiting finalization, is a "huge vote of confidence and a shot in the arm" for the industry, said Annie Sartor, the aluminum campaign director at Industrious Labs, a nonprofit focused on industrial decarbonization.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Thanks to a hidden banking system that tracks your financial life, canceling your credit card won't stop streaming services from charging you. read more


Any REASONABLE person would understand that not all Jews are represented by the actions of the Israeli government just as any REASONABLE person would understand not all Palestinians are represented by Hamas or for that matter Hezbollah and their actions. Hamas hides behind skirts and children though.

This is a very very nuanced and complicated issue over all. If we are talking RIGHT NOW. No Hamas was NOT justified for their act of terrorism. No Israel is NOT justified for the way they are fighting in Gaza. But IMHO, the Zionist movement is really at the heart of all the troubles as is the UN for aiding that movement by the carving out a Zionist state in the middle of Palestinians and the British for assisting in it's creation. THAT is the root cause of the issues. The Palestinians did not want the Jews since the early 1900s because they started buying up all the land they could. Most people have come a long way in the intervening years but not these 2 groups. Israel exists by international law. The Palestinians are rightfully mad but should be fighting in courts not in the streets. Their land was taken - yes literally taken in many cases - because of wars by the Arab states and since with the handy excuse of their own attacks. Those states planned to carve up Israel. All they do now is instigate more of these actions by Israel. Israel has permanently taken 2000 acres in the West bank just this year and used Hamas' actions as the cause. Palestinians are like the guy who cuts off his nose to spite his face.

Israel will virtually eliminate Hamas' current fighters. Perhaps weakening Hamas to the point they lose their grip. Hamas is a group who's charter is Israel does not have a right to exist and they will kill all Jews. A bit over half of Gaza supported Hamas at the beginning of this. What about the other half? Do Hamas' leaders care about any of them? Nope they are uber wealthy and fat living elsewhere. Do Israeli Leaders? Well some in the government have suggested genocide so I think not.

Palestinians should have figured out long ago that violence won't get them anywhere. They should be fighting in courts. Israel is a re-enactment of the creation of the USA. Look at all the parallels. Then look at where violence got Native Americans. Look at what Native Americans are doing today. I am waiting for the wave of Native Hawaiians reclaiming of land.

And for the record Jerusalem should not be a part of any two state or one state solution.

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