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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

This is an old article I had tucked away in my bookmarks reading it now makes when it was published look like an understatement. FTA: "Eight years ago, with the publication of Susan Jacoby's The Age of American Unreason, our country had a debate about whether its citizens were becoming less intelligent. This year, we had a debate about how big Donald Trump's penis is. While we have not resolved the latter, we have answered the former. Former means first, and latter means second."

Monday, February 24, 2025

Apple Inc. is removing its most advanced encrypted security feature for cloud data in the UK, a stunning development that follows the government ordering the company to build a backdoor for accessing user data.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The UK government has demanded to be able to access encrypted data stored by Apple users worldwide in its cloud service. Currently only the Apple account holder can access data stored in this way - the tech giant itself cannot view it. The demand has been served by the Home Office under the Investigatory Powers Act (IPA), which compels firms to provide information to law enforcement agencies.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

That's according to a report by the Federal Aviation Administration that was obtained by The Associated Press. read more

A new strain of avian influenza has been identified for the first time in the United States, raising concerns that the virus is transforming in a way that could eventually cause wider outbreaks among humans. U.S. officials disclosed the discovery of the virulent H5N9 strain at a California duck farm in a report in recent days to the World Organization for Animal Health, which maintains a database of animal disease threats.


I haven't read all the comments here but I watched her video, read some about her online and looked up some of her articles. Her communication and marketing skills seem excellent. I would like to see her debate someone in public - not the televised debacles but an informal one. I am sure we will see something like that on a news channel soon enough.

Media Matters has been a great source of actual facts and information for a long time. The fact that right wing extremists are going after it so hard makes it all the more credible. This is the right wing way in everything - can't win? Cheat. It has been interesting to watch some of the educated young people in her age bracket switching sides recently too.

She SOUNDS like what is needed desperately by the party. What AOC should have been. She may very well win the primary and the district. She is an excellent communicator and I believe has good intent just looking at her track record. One of the biggest things the Democrats have lacked for a long time is a united front. It is a bunch of competing groups who are not actually united. The platform tries to be inclusive but in doing so drives people off. Her points are EXACTLY what Democrats need to be hitting hard at in the next year. Inflation under Biden was out of the administrations control. Inflation under Trump is by design. I saw the recent news on what makes someone middle class by their income. I am over middle class but it sure don't feel like it so I really am sure the middle class is really feeling the pinch and Trump and co are making it worse. Young people who were pro-Trump are already turning. You want to see boomers turn? Wait until their SS/Medicare is mucked up. Vets? Wait until their benefits are mucked up more. Don't get me wrong a lot of them are still too brainwashed to make a difference but enough will turn. I predict a Blue Tsunami unless Trump pulls some stunt and declares Martial law.

On Presidential elections, the party also needs to understand the AMERICAN demographics and not the party demographics. A woman will not win the Presidency of the US until boomers are gone. The misogyny is real and women are just as guilty as men. My darling mother is one of them. Sorry but IMHO a Gay man is not going to win either. Look at the number of voters in presidential elections as a clue to what gets them out and what was up for debate during those elections. Not only was Harris a woman, she was in they eyes of the nation black and she had a messaging problem throughout. The only reason the "popular vote" was close was it was Trump. Many actual patriots remember J6 and other things. Most Americans are truly dumb and ignorant even though they think otherwise.

Something on Automation. I believe it is 100% needed but it is NOT inexpensive and still requires people. In fact it requires people that are not your average factory workers today. You have to outlay a massive amount of money to build the machinery and it requires years of time and THEN you have maintain it. I know lot about manufacturing and automation. One of the things I am involved with is automation. Americans are not great workers by and large. The farther right they are, the more useless they seem to be IMHO. Not to mention loud, obnoxious and entitled.

The average machine where I presently work is now over $500k. Most are like $750k. These are basically standard off the shelf machines in the industry. Annual maintenance on them is in the order of $150-200k. Then you have to have operators to run them. An operator can be trained to setup and run them competently in 3-4 years. And the top manufacturers are in Germany, Switzerland, Czechia and Australia. There is one American maker and they are sub par. All the parts are made overseas as well. The other thing is the average person who is learning to run these machines is NOT well paid and I have to say about half of them shouldn't be running them but you work with what you can get.

Another example, a long time ago I worked at a Tech startup funded by the owner of a US machine maker. I actually helped them out from time to time. They made custom automated manufacturing solutions primarily for Automotive. The average machine they worked on at the time was about $10 million and they had to layout the cash to build these machines until paid by the customer. The build time was typically 3-5 years. The company had messed up on a machine that delivery was refused on and lost in court basically because of owner arrogance which was a blow. About a year later they were put out of Business by Delphi who refused to accept and pay for a machine that machined brake rotors. That machine today would probably run $35-40 million but back then was $12 million. The problem they claimed is it didn't meet the specification even though they had several check points along the way. The sad thing is that machine was built to the spec but the Delphi engineer building the spec messed up and the product was not to spec. But a small company that had fronted millions already couldn't take on a billion dollar company in court. Sadly I work with the putz that messed up that spec.

I could go on and on.

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