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Saturday, September 07, 2024

Eyal Frank, an environmental economist at the University of Chicago and author of the new study, found that in U.S. counties where bat populations have been decimated by white-nose syndrome, human infant mortality rates rose by about 8 percent. That equates to 1,334 infant deaths between 2006 and 2017 that Frank says are attributable to a loss of bats. read more

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) criticized Republicans who spoke at the Democratic National Convention last week, saying they were suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome" in a Sunday interview on ABC News's "This Week."

Saturday, August 24, 2024

When Magic saw Sphen's body and realized his partner was lost to him, "he immediately started singing. And this was reciprocated by several others in the colony," Renee Howell, the aquarium'' penguin keeper, said in an interview with Australia's ABC. read more

Saturday, August 10, 2024

On the morning he could no longer stand it, the preacher was sipping coffee at his kitchen table. The house was quiet. The boys weren't up yet. Josiah Johnson wanted to savor the peace, but his attention drifted to his younger brother, the one he had decided was a false prophet. read more

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

In 2004, anthropologists on the Indonesian island of Flores discovered the remains of a diminutive hominin, Homo floresiensis. Now, a different team of researchers has discovered teeth and forearm fossils of the so-called Hobbit species ... read more


#8 | Posted by et_al

And we have seen officials still refuse to act which throws wrenches and delays into the system. And MANY are still in office: The Guardian

As far as that goes, I would not be surprised to see an activist judge or several find a way to avoid ordering the elected official to act. Whether that is through coercion or not. When I say that note I am not saying it needs to be a valid legal reason just they will make stuff up to serve their purpose until an appeal. It would likely mean throwing their career away unless the GOP does come to power but...

#8 | Posted by OCUser

Most of those features go back to before your old model albeit mostly on more pricey models at that time. My 2002 had features my 2017 doesn't and vice versa. The adaptive cruise may be the biggest new feature I like. I have drove some newer vehicles. I don't have much use for the new tech and I am a tech guy. Most of the driver assistance junk is just that - Junk. Some however is good - like automatic braking however sometimes it gets antsy (or maybe I should have been slowing down sooner/faster :) ). The bottom line is these "new" features have come down to a point they can add them to lower models. However they aren't adding them out of the goodness of their heart - you are paying for them and at a premium. They now have both a lower price and a higher margin than when they were new and in luxury cars or high end packages. The average price of a new car is up about 30% in the last 10 years. And it is not due to the new contracts - only about 5% of the cost of a new car is labor.

BTW as noted in Lamp's post - the thing I really hate are touch screens. But honestly new cars are meant to be disposable. When you start to read about things on them and the price service them - yeesh. One vehicle I ran into recently had the most ridiculous Accessory belt change. $2200 Why? They have to literally pull of the full front of the car including bumper cover, shrouds, radiators, intercoolers and other things just to get to it. Now start thinking about the electronics packages. If you think they were pricey going in... Average cost to replace an engine is over 10k now too.

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