Eyal Frank, an environmental economist at the University of Chicago and author of the new study, found that in U.S. counties where bat populations have been decimated by white-nose syndrome, human infant mortality rates rose by about 8 percent. That equates to 1,334 infant deaths between 2006 and 2017 that Frank says are attributable to a loss of bats. read more
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) criticized Republicans who spoke at the Democratic National Convention last week, saying they were suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome" in a Sunday interview on ABC News's "This Week."
When Magic saw Sphen's body and realized his partner was lost to him, "he immediately started singing. And this was reciprocated by several others in the colony," Renee Howell, the aquarium'' penguin keeper, said in an interview with Australia's ABC. read more
On the morning he could no longer stand it, the preacher was sipping coffee at his kitchen table. The house was quiet. The boys weren't up yet. Josiah Johnson wanted to savor the peace, but his attention drifted to his younger brother, the one he had decided was a false prophet. read more
In 2004, anthropologists on the Indonesian island of Flores discovered the remains of a diminutive hominin, Homo floresiensis. Now, a different team of researchers has discovered teeth and forearm fossils of the so-called Hobbit species ... read more
#8 | Posted by et_al
And we have seen officials still refuse to act which throws wrenches and delays into the system. And MANY are still in office: The Guardian
As far as that goes, I would not be surprised to see an activist judge or several find a way to avoid ordering the elected official to act. Whether that is through coercion or not. When I say that note I am not saying it needs to be a valid legal reason just they will make stuff up to serve their purpose until an appeal. It would likely mean throwing their career away unless the GOP does come to power but...
Let's be honest here - it's not like bad outcomes ever happen when you start putting armed security in places... /Snark
JFC - intellectually and morally lazy is an understatement. Stupid THAT is the word.
Go back 40 years - Security what security? You could walk into virtually any school in the country and right up to a classroom and nobody thought twice about it.
Go back 30 years - the only schools that had metal detectors and any security were in areas with gang violence.
Today - Schools are locked up tighter than Fort Knox. You have to run through a bunch of rigamarole just to set foot in the office. Most schools have metal detectors at the least and most entrances are locked. Active shooter training is as frequent as a fire drill.
What changed? The proliferation of guns. Virtually nobody had an AR style gun in the 80s. Same for handguns - there were in fact very few and they were put away and there is a good chance the kids didn't even know they existed. Today? Russia's NRA pushed to eliminate the Assault Rifle Ban and make carrying a handgun easy. Now every other house has these weapons. Usually more than one.
This country is so fukt. There needs to be stronger gun control and a return to the original legal interpretation of 2A not what the National Russian Rifle Association taught you it means.
When you come after me 2A folks - remember I say this as someone with a dozen guns.