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Thursday, October 31, 2024

Top economists and assorted financial experts have been sounding the alarm that Donald Trump's plans for a second presidential term could spike the federal deficit by trillions of dollars, worsen inflation, and, eventually, send the U.S. economy screaming toward a recession (if not an outright depression). read more

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Despite his recent overtures to Muslim and Arab American voters, Donald Trump privately encouraged Benjamin Netanyahu in a phone call earlier this month to "do what you have to do." The Washington Post reported Friday the former president told the Israeli prime minister that he supported Israel's brutal bombing campaigns in Gaza and Lebanon, according to six anonymous sources. Trump himself has said that he has spoken to Netanyahu at least twice this month, with one phone conversation occurring as recently as Saturday.

Former President Donald Trump vowed to reinstate his travel ban that barred people from some predominantly Muslim countries and expand it to prevent refugees from war-torn Gaza from entering the U.S. "I will ban refugee resettlement from terror infested areas like the Gaza Strip, and we will seal our border and bring back the travel ban," Trump said Thursday evening in Washington at an event alongside Republican donor and billionaire Miriam Adelson. read more

Sunday, October 20, 2024

... a second global assessment of the world's amphibians has been completed. "It's a gut punch," said Apodaca, who was not involved in the study but has reviewed its findings. "Here we are 19 years later with things not only not improved but getting worse." read more

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The U.S. military trained him in explosives and battlefield tactics. Now the Iraq War veteran and enlisted National Guard member was calling for taking up arms against police and government officials in his own country. read more


REMEMBER how Dems and the DNC elitist hyphenated chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz from Florida who scammed the Democracy when they schemed to kick out Bernie Sanders? Democrats have zero connection with Democracy and the entire country knows it. They are liars who dont deserve to be near the White House.

#20 | Posted by Robson

Where do you get off calling anyone a liar or anti-democratic? You voted for the liar in chief who is as dictatorial as it get. JFC. Thousands of documented lies in his first term which you gobbled up. You are the Thanksgiving Turkey. They are slamming lie after lie down your throat and you are saying "give me more". What will you say when they are eating foie gras made at your expense? You dum ---- just don't get it. The propaganda machine filled your echo chambers with lies and the boogeyman. You voted for the biggest huckster ever. And I am sure you be cheering if Muskrat gets his way and does to the government what he did to Xitter. You know that company that was profitable that he gutted and is bleeding money? You will be in the soup kitchen line, that is unless you actually are in Russia. Seems as though that economy is getting close to soup kitchens as the moment.

For the record, the party is not the government. They can pretty much do what they please to select their candidate. Bernie wasn't a Democrat and hasn't been. He is an independent. Was I happy with what they did? No but none of your ilk would have voted for Bernie and just demonized him as a "communist" which he isn't.

#9, #12, #17, #22, #27 | Posted by visitor_

F__k you. Seriously. All your useless ignorant rhetoric. "all you have to do is move" - this teen was supposed to move? She was DYING. Again - F__k you. She is dead because of right wing religious hate politics period. Individual Human Rights should be universal. Not what can the "state" limit me on.

Photographic evidence of Democrat Party operative stuffing ballot box in Milwaukee.
#9 | Posted by visitor_

Pretty sure that was actual Russian operatives in Georgia as in the country of Georgia and not "Milwaukee" in the state of Wisconsin. I haven't seen one single video or photograph that was credible in the US. You do realize ALL ballots are traceable to the voter right? Of course you didn't. It is also not illegal for someone to deposit multiple ballots for others. I just deposited 4 of them to save folks a trip. If you think that is wrong - why?

We can admire the courage of medical professionals that would would withhold life saving medical treatment in order to make a political point about policy with which they disagree.
F__k you again. She would have got treatment if there were not draconian laws meaning massive jail time if they saved her. Honestly F__k them too. Any descent human being of a medical professional would have helped. I for one couldn't sit by and let another human being die when I am capable of helping. Apparently you can.

Should have passed a law under Obama... How are you literally so F__king stupid? It was legal under Obama and has been for 50 years. The grounds that made Roe v Wade legal still apply. The fact the corrupt on this SCOTUS wanted to find a way to kill it doesn't mean the argument is rooted in anything legally accurate. I question if half of them that voted for it are legally literate enough to understand what was wrote on their behalf. It should also be clear a law was not necessary at that time.

How many illegals (or Biden/Harris "refugees) were clogging up the emergency room on the day she needed treatment? The staff may have been overworked and running on fumes due to the flood of illegals needing care.
None - she was seen twice you twit. RIF - Reading is fundamental. She was refused assistance because of draconian laws. I have spent a lot of time in emergency rooms in the last month. Let me say no Illegals. And by "illegals" I suppose you include the people that have documentation and are awaiting adjudication of their cases. It's really interesting when you start looking at the numbers and how they started spiking while Trump was still in office.

Doctors have been making mistakes and people of have been dying of sepsis long before this law.
Refusing her treatment in Texas is not "making mistakes" it is an attempt to avoid going to prison.

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