Capitalism inevitably runs its course until a very few control the rest of us, and that, my friends, is what we have in America, fascism that owns the media, Congress, the Supreme Corrupt Court, and of course, the White House.
Kind of relaxing understanding we are all just screwed.
I grew up in an alcoholic household and several times was in an accident as drunk version of mom drove off the road or into something like a telephone pole. Not her fault, she had responsibilities but was also so hammered by PTSD all she could do was drink and try to get through the day.
Like having Trump as President...have to survive the pain and fear when one has no control over the situation. I think they call it learned helplessness.
Demographics rule. As we get older, we get less like drunken 20 year olds and we get more like 'need to go to bed at 8 pm' old folks. Don't worry, as my boomer generation dies out, and we will disappear soon, the country will get younger, demographically speaking, and the murder rates will skyrocket again.