We could have weekly, or daily contests..."What is the stupidest thing Trump has done this week, this day?"
I think abandoning the WHO is near the top of the list, but really, letting the brownshirts out to kill again...wins for his week.
Next week, who knows, maybe invading Greenland might win.
We elected an idiot to run things, could be democracy needs a few safety factors added in, like only letting people be President who served as head of an agency, in an executive position, successfully/. And not just serving as a tool in his super rich daddy's company.And maybe having other job requirements as well.
Me, I would make national service mandatory and make it mandatory for a President or Member of Congress, and of course, there would be an age limit. I am the same age as Trump and believe me, one's memory takes a hit after 75.
I fear that soon, all will be calm, as our media is forced to be tame, as the Russian media was tamed, with severe jail sentences for those who would actually utilize our freedoms, like the freedom of speech and the freedom to assemble and petition our government for a redress of our grievances. Propaganda 24/7, like in Russia, or China, or I suppose, in Florida.
I miss the print media, I really do.