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Sunday, December 29, 2024

After a debut hit, many bands often find their follow-up album panned: further evidence of the curse of the "sophomore slump," critics say. read more

Bidding farewell to your favorite navigation app could help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. That's according to a new study, which found taxi and ambulance drivers in the United States recorded the lowest percentage of deaths attributed to Alzheimer's across more than 400 jobs.

A Colorado man is facing possible bias-motivated charges for allegedly attacking a television news reporter after demanding to know whether he was a citizen, saying "This is Trump's America now," according to court documents.

Ukraine has sent 500 tons of wheat flour to Syria as humanitarian aid, seeking to build ties with the nation after the ouster of its Russian-backed government. read more

Joyce Vance: It's no wonder that Project 2025 calls for putting an end to the Department of Education. Trump's electoral success depended on so-called low-information voters ... read more


@#19 ... there's another thing called nipping it in the bud. The House would be a good place to start if they so have the mind. ...

Congress has already given the Trump-Musk coalition the finger with the rejection of the budget bill hat Mr Musk proposed.

So there's that.

But, given the slim majority the GOP holds in the House, my current view is ... get yer popcorn ...

Blood, Sweat & Tears - Morning Glory (1968)

Lyrics excerpt ...

I lit my purest candle
Close to my window
Hoping it would catch the eye
Of any vagabond who passed it by
And I waited in my fleeting house

Before he came I felt him drawing near
Passing here I felt the anxious fear
But he had come to my door and jeered
And I waited in my fleeting house

Tell me stories, I called to the hobo
Stories of cold, I smiled to the hobo
Stories of old, I knelt to the hobo
And he stood before me in my fleeting house

No, said the hobo, no more tales of time
Don't ask me now to wash away the grime
I can't come in 'cause it's too hard a climb
And he walked away from my fleeting house

Then you'll be damned, I screamed to the hobo
Leave me alone, I wept to the hobo
Turn into stone, I knelt to the hobo
And he walked away from my fleeting house

From the cited article...

...Reporting Highlights

- - - Wrongful Accusations: Parents are being charged with abusive head trauma, a newer name for shaken baby syndrome, as mounting exonerations and new science raise questions about the diagnosis.

- - - Findings of Abuse: Child abuse pediatricians defend their diagnostic process, saying they do rigorous examinations to rule out other possibilities before they make a determination of abuse.

- - - Parents Left Vulnerable: Critics argue that the name change helped preserve a flawed diagnosis, leaving parents vulnerable to criminal charges and child welfare investigations.

[and to the wall of text from the cited article ...]

... On the 911 call, Nick Flannery's voice was frantic as he tried to revive his infant son. "Come on, buddy," he pleaded with the 2-month-old, who had gone limp. "Come on, buddy. Breathe."

Nick, who was on paternity leave from his IT job, had been caring for his two boys while his wife, Felecia, was at a doctor's appointment. Not long before he called 911, on Sept. 7, 2023, his baby, Arlo, vomited while being given a bottle. Nick, who was cradling him, turned him over to ensure that he did not choke, then changed him into fresh clothes and put him in his bouncy seat. Suddenly, Arlo's eyes rolled back and his body stiffened. Then he went still.

Paramedics rushed to the Flannerys' house in Blue Ash, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati. They revived the infant, but his breathing remained shallow. Felecia, who returned home to find emergency medical workers swarming her driveway, staggered across the front yard toward her family, uncomprehending.

In the emergency room at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, the Flannerys looked on as doctors worked to save their son. Soon, a social worker took them aside. She explained that a CT scan revealed the presence of subdural hematomas, or bleeding between the brain and the skull: a symptom, she said, commonly seen in abuse cases. Nick and Felecia were dumbfounded.

More tests still needed to be run, she told the Flannerys, but mandatory reporting laws required that the police and child welfare officials be alerted. Nick and Felecia, upset but certain that any concerns would be allayed once doctors gathered more information, said they understood.

Detectives arrived, and the attending physician told them that subdural hematomas could indicate an underlying medical condition " or that the baby had been shaken. It was the latter scenario that Felecia remembers the doctor mentioning to her that evening. "I'll never forget him telling me, You would probably know this as shaken baby syndrome,'" she says. Felecia, having once listened to a podcast that characterized the diagnosis as controversial, grew alarmed. ...

@#41 ... Let's not forget Jimmy Carter was a Christian.

He believed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

People honor this man yet dishonor and mock his religious beliefs.

Carter believed in the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, His life mission and His his death and resurrection.

Let that sink in for a second.

Carter was a believer. ...

I do not disagree.

Indeed fmr Pres Carter acted upon his beliefs to help humanity.

That seems to be a stark contrast to current-day politicians who profess Christianity.

Trump Promises to Bring About a New Era of Christian Power (November 3, 2024)

... As voters head to the polls on Tuesday, Donald J. Trump's ambitions for America's future are almost impossible to miss. He has sworn an era of "retribution" for his enemies. Vowed to deport millions of immigrants. Fueled concerns about rising fascism.

But he is making another promise that may be overlooked, but equally transformative: He will champion his followers' brand of Christianity across American life and government.

Publicly, the former president has avoided boasting about the main accomplishment that made him a hero to conservative Christians: ending Roe v. Wade. And he has distanced himself from Project 2025, the conservative blueprint for a Trump presidency.

Instead, his support for "my beautiful Christians," as he calls them, leans heavily into their fears about losing power in a secularizing and pluralist country " where a majority of women support Vice President Kamala Harris.

In his final campaign events with conservative Christian activists and politicians, Mr. Trump is promising to elevate not only their policy priorities but also their ideological influence. He says he will affirm that God made only two genders, male and female. He will create a federal task force to fight anti-Christian bias. And he will give enhanced access to conservative Christian leaders, if they elect him. ...

Pres-elect Trump trying to promote Christian values?

I do agree with you that fmr Pres carter was a believer, and he acted as such.

But, I still has to ask ... why the apparent adulation of Christians of Pres-elect Trump?

His actions seems to be so contrary to what Christians preach.

Have the Christians, in their support of Pres-elect Trump been suckered into believing a carnival barker?

@#4 ... Tell me again how Florida is such a great state to live in or retire in!
Please! ...

I have relatives living in Florida.

When I talk with them, for some reason, the conversation always seems to drift off into how wonderful Florida is.

My guess as an answer to your request is that Florida is critically dependent upon tourist traffic.

Florida tourism industry

... Tourism makes up one of the largest sectors of Florida's economy, with nearly 1.4 million people employed in the tourism industry in 2016 (a record for the state, surpassing the 1.2 million employment from 2015).[1][2] ...

As such, the residents of Florida seem to tend towards boasting about their state, in an effort to maintain, or even increase, that tourism.

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