#33 Chuffy,
I do care about you and your family. And I do reject DJT and elements of BOTH parties. I believe a multi-party system is essential for balance. I am not a Republican, but I can't "join you" when you post the kind of hyperbolic, over the top rhetoric like this:
Repubicans support, if not enthusiastically cheer, the following, openly:
Rape, sexual assault and men beating up women.
Six year olds getting shot in the face.
Child abuse.
White Supremacists.
Religious theocracy.
Anti-science stupidity.
It's a longer list, but all of those things are the core beliefs of Repubicans. They love all of it.
I really don't see the point of piling on to the endless threads here that are filled with that kind of divisive content to prove some sort of fealty. I prefer to stick with factual posts from my area of expertise, and call out false or misleading stories. Disrupting false narratives makes people uncomfortable. Is it more comfortable for you to believe that roughly 50% of Americans support (if not enthusiastically cheer) six year olds getting shot in the face?
So that was my response to your "if you really cared about my family" comment. My work has exposed me to a very diverse population and my concern for other people is not conditional on political beliefs. I sincerely believe that most people are decent and caring, they just disagree on how to make the world a better place. I hope you and your family continue to stay safe. My family members are between the Sunset and Eaton fires and keeping watch. Air quality is terrible, but they are essential workers and can't leave. They feel very fortunate to be safe.
He is not going to be there and they are not going to lock him up.