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Friday, June 28, 2024

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after the Supreme Court rejected his last-minute bid to stave off his four-month sentence for defying subpoenas from the House Jan. 6 committee. read more

The Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia, a decorated Navy veteran, has made repeated references to becoming disabled after he was "blown up" in combat. However, the Navy service record for Hung Cao, who won the GOP primary in June, does not show a Purple Heart award, the commendation given to troops who have suffered wounds from "direct or indirect result of enemy action" that required medical attention. Nor does his record indicate that he received the Navy's Combat Action Ribbon, which requires that a sailor "must have rendered satisfactory performance under enemy fire while actively participating in ground or surface combat engagement." USA TODAY obtained Cao's record from the Navy. read more

Anthony Borges, who was a freshman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018 when he was severely wounded by a rampaging gunman, has been given the rights to his attacker's name as part of a stunning civil settlement, according to his lawyer. read more

Thursday, June 27, 2024

More than two decades after Cindy Clemishire alleges she was sexually assaulted by Robert Morris, starting when she was just 12 years old, the Gateway Church pastor asked her an alarming question aimed at keeping her quiet. "Put a price on it," Morris said on Sept. 22, 2005, according to a phone call transcript obtained by NBC News through a former Gateway staffer. When Clemishire responded that it was "not a small number," Morris pushed back after noting that money did not make her happy and he could understand that. "Two million dollars," Clemishire responded before Morris ended the call, the transcript states. But the shocking phone conversation"which came after emails between Clemishire and Morris in which she asked for compensation over her trauma"did not lead to the downfall of the Texas megachurch pastor who would go on to serve as former President Donald Trump's spiritual adviser.

Former President Donald Trump's legal team is threatening litigation against the nonprofit investigative outlet ProPublica, for a story published at the start of this month alleging his business and campaign are paying "significant financial benefits" to witnesses in cases against him. ProPublica revealed the threat against them in a post on X Wednesday. read more


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