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Friday, July 05, 2024

Donald Trump owes his former attorney Rudy Giuliani about $2 million in wages and has ignored multiple invoices from him seeking to get paid, the former New York City mayor said in his bankruptcy case. read more

Brazil's Federal Police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office, according to a source with knowledge of the accusations. read more

On the 4th of July, the New York Times opinion section chose to publish an op-ed from a Michigan resident making his case to not vote in the 2024 election. One democracy expert slammed the national paper of record for its decision to run the essay. read more

The Project 2025 blueprint for a potential second Donald Trump administration would plunder veterans' benefits and shower cash on private contractors. read more

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Donald Trump should come forward with his plan to quickly end the war with Russia ... read more




That's the orange diaper sniper's favorite age.

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