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The defining trait of a true leader is how they relinquish power and pass the torch. And Biden has displayed the character of a true leader and a true American that has put uniting his party and his country above himself.

#78 | POSTED BY DONNERBOY AT 2024-07-24 09:03 PM | REPLY | FLAG YEP

Add to that he didn't undermine his colleagues because he knew the job is temporary, and above all risky. A good leader always has someone to back them up if something happens. Trumpanzee wanted to kill his last VP because he upheld the law.

Trumpanzee on the other hand crushed the competition in his own party to take his sport rendering him the only one able to lead his cl0wn brigade.

A little lesson for you cl0wns... the reason we lost to rag tag mobs of "rebels and insurgents" after two decades of war as the "best military in the whirled" is because no matter how many of their "numero unos in command" we killed... a week later there was a new one to take it's place... all the while republicl0wn war hawks were insisting they... the enemy forces" were disorganized and weak... which is sort of how you cl0wns talk about anything that isn't republicl0wn. Then you pin your hopes on a single bloatbag who tells you what you want to hear... and deludes you into thinking it's possible to make people bend to your will.... because for some sad sicko reason it's what you need to feel... I dunno... "whole" I guess?

Joe Biden didn't -------- his cabinet... Trumpanzee did and the ones who arrived ----------- ones he turned into .... erm... shameless brazen bimbo headed hussies... not good for anything... cept maybe castrating pigs... ironic... and public hissy fits.

Tired, OLD, delusional, addle-brained, dotard Trumpanzee is all the cl0wns have... because they don't have the nads to cross him... and they want to lead the free world? give me a fekking break

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