Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Why were terrorist groups like MS13, Mexican drug cartels oddly and always given a pass by Obama and Biden and their DOJ? No rational answer is a reason why the Dems and left are completely untrustworthy and a threat.

#10 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-27 01:32 PM | Reply | Flag: EUNUCH

Welll first Nixon starts the "War on Drugs"... he thought weed was preventing men from fighting wars... it was an expensive and costly failure that went on for decades... filling the prisons... and opening up trade with China...

Thennnnnnnnnn Reagoonietunes and the CIA started the drug cartel trafficking to finance covert anti-communist activities... while Nancy was running her "Just Say No" campaign... maybe her Astrologer suggested she do that in a (failed) effort to neutralize the ----------- her husband unleashed on the western world... and maybe get people to look the other way... a whole lot of borrowed money went up people's noses in those days... when Trumpanzee was young and hanging with Epstein and blowing through his daddy's cash.

Capitalism won the day when cartel leaders made Forbes wealthiest list. Libertaricl0wns luvs that chit.

Basically... everyone that came after your two cl0wns has been trying to mop up the mess from those failed experiments. True story.
Don't get me started on the Sacklers, Republicl0wns, Israel... and drugs

That is just the tip of the iceberg of why you're untrustworthy... and that "border crisis" is the chickens coming home to roost from Republicl0wnery at its best! Every 20 minutes and American dies and you can thank yourself.

ergo GFY

Drudge Retort

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