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Democrats like Kamala and Elizabeth Warren (the phoney Indian) always use race and ethnicity instead of ability and honesty to get admitted. Thats how Dems play us with DUI or is it DEI?

#112 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-31 08:58 PM | Reply PPPFFFTTTTT

The problem with righty tighty wightys is they think they are the ones who determines who deserves what and why.

Elizabeth Warren made a very common mistake made by thousands of people who discovered Native ancestry. (her DNA is indicative of it) Prior to the 1950's when Eisenhower a family could be forced to leave their homes and it was worse to be Native than Black. In her case during the time of Indian removals (there were several) the members of her ancestral family were given a choice to give up their racial identity or be removed. Obviously, her ancestral family didn't want to move. She didn't realize it was a legal designation that couldn't be claimed retroactively. There were plenty of mixed that were removed for refusing to give up their heritage. She didn't do anything wrong.

I'm guessing unlike Trumpanzee with a rich daddy she wasn't from privilege and she was looking for a way to pay for her education. Not a crime.

I'm a card-carrying Native American and my name is registered with the BIA. I can legally own peyote and eagle feathers because I have the paper work. I knew lots of people who did the same thing she did... then they got over it when they found out... like she did... or they went on to continue to claim it w/o paper trail and opened "new age" workshops lol... became folk music stars like Bluffy She Aintacree... Iron Eye's Cody who's real name is Espera Oscar de Corti... and do movies

P.S. The only "educational funds" allotted to Native American's were the Indian boarding schools like Carlisle School for Indians where they "killed the Indian to save the man". 10,000 kids were sent to that school 158 actually graduated and my grand aunt was one of them. I know people who think we get a check from the government every month.

I'm just saying... you don't know diddly squat... but now you do... if you can be educated.

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