Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Meanwhile the DOW continues to march along to 45,000.
News the left hates.

#11 | Posted by phesterOBoyle at 2025-02-04 01:37 PM | Reply | Flag: PPPPFFFTTTTTT

Not as much as you hated it when Biden's admin put it there... remember... Trumpanzee has been in office f@rting aloud for the last three weeks... making a lot of noise...figuring out ways to raise prices he won't have to pay but the consumer will... Not even 30 days in... Trumpanzee has been busy spinning his tough guy act on post lockdown Covid-brained fembots in desperate need of resocialization... because they've been staring at their own image too long... Stars of their own YouTube show... not a huge biggie...

Trumpanzee's coasting on Biden's economy... Same as Turd2 did with Clinton's... and we all know how well that went... Dreams of being a war preznit... when the world is less afraid of us than ever... not because of libruls... because others can savagely fight for the sovereignty of their country better than we can impose our will upon them... thus they stubbornly kick our @$$e$ out.

No resolution. If they win its good for the ego... if they lose it's bad for the mind.
Trumpanzee storming on... blathering about pulling our forces out of Europe... to where... for what... says who? Then what? Use them to mow down Canada and Mexico on our way to Denmark?

The US needs its allies. Iran, Russia and China have been strategic allies for over two decades. Is that the club you wish to join now?

Trumpanzee understands the psychology of transwomen infiltrating women's sports because he only wins running against women himself. True story.

Besides...I don't care how many "age reassignment surgeries" on his "transgeriatric quest" of getting others to believe him... because it's how he feels about himself inside.They will never make him more viable than the same dottering old billionaire... he was born to be.

Ironically he is the one with the most charisma in all of the Republcl0wn Partie contenders... currently on display.

Not much has changed really... well lot's more social media... deep breath... step away from the keyboard... move forward.

Makes me shake my head.

Drudge Retort

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