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I lived in Alaska 14 years and recall when she was nepotized into office via her Dad. The Murkowskis made their fortunes cleaning up after the Exxon Valdez. I was skeptical but her dad and the late Ted Stevens were decent republicl0wns. Stevens supported women's rights and the right to choose. Yes Alaska is very socialistic there which framed Sarah Palin's hypocrisy so well. Her children were beneficiaries of the Native Health Care system which is Socialized Medicine. Republicl0wn Stevens is responsible for it being there... but I digresssssss

Her first vote as a senator happened during the Obama Admin... Around the time of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The vote was the limit the liability of oil companies to 750-million USDs. Thankfully Obama vetoed it and jammed BP for more than 10 Xs that. I was pissed at her for being lobbied like that. I questioned her ability to do her job.

Then Senator Hillary Clinton discussed Murkowski's assumption of office in a welcoming way reminding us how difficult it is for women to take that position. There are so very few. Since then I think she has done well. Alaska is very different than any state in the union. It's isolated between foreign borders and it feels almost foreign. It's the only place I've lived where women are truly emancipated. The income classes aren't as divided as they are elsewhere in the country. It was more blended. Anchorage is the most racially diverse city in the nation.

She stood with the J6 investigations siding with Kerry and Cheney. Her opportunistic family sincerely loves Alaska.

For the record I thought Sarah Palin a good Mayor of Wasilla and felt she'd make a great governor... but no one who can be "governor" of Alaska should be elected to a national position... you can be dumb as rocks if you have panache... it's just too different... it's insular there and the mindset to run the state doesn't translate well in civilized society... shame she blew it off to make a fool of herself... and now scrambles to be relevant.

I'm not sure why all but a few republicl0wns suck these days ... lack a spine I guess... stupid pigs.

Good... the rest of the Americas should do the same... along with a few other nations.

Nobody needs our "American" guns... China can provide more than enough for the world to shoot themselves with... hell the US was buying Chinese munitions to fight Iraqi Freedom... true story.

It will be interesting when the world economically sanctions us and our products because there are plenty of replacements for purchase elsewhere. They don't need to buy what we make. We don't own technology or ideas... patents are a joke... we're not the smartest or best educated in the world...then see what your isolationistic populists do for funzies... what?... start another war to lose because they refuse to people buy our crap?

See how your fat retirement plans tied to stocks do.

Maybe they will let us buy food and medical only... you know like we've done to other nations... repeatedly. We tried to starve Cuba out of existence... our allies wouldn't allow it.

Our infrastructure is crumbling... our factories are shuttered and outdated... because the businesses relocated on foreign soil... Besides.... our fat children are not raised to do that sort of work anyways... Don't get me started on agriculture... Truumpanzee's soybean fiasco inspired Brazille to burn down vast swaths of rainforest to fill the gap... while US farmers declared bankruptcy.

Turd2 did the same thing with his cowboy politicking... Yanquis running around thumping their chest all about "going it alone".... while borrowing from China.

He gave them a wakeup call and they really need to up their game.
#14 | Posted by MSgt at 2025-02-14 11:47 PM | FLAG PPPPFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT

Oh please... a major part of the civil unrest in the country is due to this "The Greatest Military in the Whirrrled" losing war after war. Our "veterans" and their families get no "satisfactory" resolution to the conflict they (we) sacrificed themselves for. They get no "Victory Parades" in honor of their actions like granpappy got. Our "might" is a bluff... only kept in place by the reality of mutual destruction...

Your republicl0wn "Commanders in Chief" wannabe "War Presnits" Nixon and Bush and Bush... loss, losing, and lost... the last ones were the longest in US history... for zilch... and the sale of our largest oil refinery to the ones who financed the wars against us.... even after "crippling economic sanctions" they still managed to kick our asses out of their affairs. There was a reason the "Coalition of the Willing" flopped...

Furthermore... the way the US treats Canada the only country that stuck it out with us with boots on the ground... the rest walked away long ago...

You overrate our imperialistic capabilities... which is what you are cheering for.

Our military couldn't protect us from 9/11... they were caught with their pants down...frantically flying in circles wondering wtf just bombed their headquarters. Civilians did it armed with box cutters... and civilians armed with less... brought those planes down.

Europe lost 75 million people in WW2.... mostly civilians... (because wars are won by civilians)... fighting Hitler compared to our reluctant half a million.

Canada was already engaged in WW2 two years before the US got over its anti-Semitism.

step up their game indeed.... ppppfffffttttt... puhleeze.

P.S. Well over half the world is Socialist... True story...

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