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This is self indulgent narcissism.

#81 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-22 10:22 AM | Reply | Flag MEH

Actually Tinklebell... the L's were trying to maintain a safe distance to the promiscuous nature of male homosexuals and the rampant social issues that occur as a result. Yes both are technically "homosexual" however the cultures are very very different. In fact... homosexual men had little use for lesbians... until the AIDS epidemic and because so many Lesbians worked in the medical profession... they were finally deemed useful to the "cause" as eyewitness advocates. True story... you can do your research.

I often wonder if it is something about having a prostate... it's the only organ they can't remove while affirming... or ahem... correcting Gawds mistake... I know the jokes about guys thinking with their neewees being inspired by the nuggets... but even after extraction... the thought processes remain the same... and that is the remaining gem... the seat of the male soul... women don't have them... but I digress...

Ya know until I was a teenager females... women... girls... were not allowed to enter any "official" or "formal" settings like Schools, Courtrooms, Churches... etc wearing pants. It was mandatory to wear a dress. In the mid 70's, that and the social "dress codes" changed. Guys could grow their hair... Still in the 90's the press threw a fit when Hillary Clinton wore a pantsuit during a televised interview.

Basically... transwhutevahs are people culturally allowed to dress however they wish. Body mods are all the rage... piercing... tatts... ------- hacks of all sorts. Most people don't give a fiddle deedee about any of it... unless it fits poorly... makes a scene..

Only a portion of the trans population insists that we deny nature... or make a big deal out of their path...

I mean to tell you that there are some people that flat out should not "cross dress"... or perhaps start a fashion design with fem styles catering to the male form much the same as what occurred when women began wearing pants. Designers made better-fitting pants for women. Instead of insisting on the population embrace their "fairytale existence"

Drudge Retort

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