"You care more about dead Russians than Putin does.
#50 | Posted by Alexandrite"
I don't care if it is a dead Russian or a dead Ukrainian. I just want the killing to stop. This is not some moral war like fighting to stop the holocaust. This is simply a territorial dispute after which the affected population can relocate to whichever side they like - as they have done for the last 15 years. No one, not even the whacked-out pro-War Dems believe that Putin will do a genocide against the Ukrainian civilian population like Israel is doing now in Palestine. Yet, you only feel the need to speak out against Putin. Why is that? You think Putin is treating Ukrainians worse than Netanyahu is treating the Palestinian?
Lastly, I find it really odd that you are taking this 'dying to the last man' to defend Ukraine while simultaneously fighting for the US to have open borders and likely would try to imprison me if I used deadly force against a home invader. Surely defending the integrity of my home would be a higher justification than some vacant field half way around the world. Why the double-standard?
"The difference between us is we want the government to follow the law.
#12 | Posted by snoofy"
No, you don't. If that was the case, you would have demanded that Biden closed the border so they would not have been allowed to enter illegally in the first place.
What you are doing now is obstructing everything Trump because your party lacks policies that appeal to the US citizens. The negative consequence is that you are now doing exactly what I stated above materially harming the living standards of the blue city residents that formerly supported your party. I think these judges should be charged under RICO the next time one of these illegals they stopped from being deported commits a violent crime.