"You need me to explain Trump to you?
#19 | Posted by YAV"
No, you need to explain your mental gymnastics to maintain your perpetual state of outrage.
Here is the exact wording from the article:
""A criminal conviction in the United States, false information regarding the purpose of stay, or even a slight overstay of the visa upon entry or exit can lead to arrest, detention, and deportation upon entry or exit," according to the German Foreign Office advisory."
So, the Germans are simply telling their citizens to follow the law or they will face consequences inclusive of arrest and deportation.
What exactly are you outraged about here? You think we should allow German citizens to break the law without consequences? Please explain yourself as I fear your TDS has become a terminal case.
I will also add - what happens if you overstay your visa in Germany?
"Overstaying your visa in Germany is considered an illegal stay, leading to potential fines, deportation, and a ban from the Schengen area, with the severity of penalties depending on the length of the overstay and any mitigating circumstances."
So, again, where is the outrage when we are just following the same policy as every other country?
"I mean if a positive result in fines collected vs the cost of collecting those fines is your ultimate goal, why not maximize that criterion?"
I never said that should be the goal - I stated the exact opposite.
"My goal would be, however, to reduce the reason for collecting those fines.
And maybe Los Angeles has been successful in that aspect, and that is why the fines collected have been so small?
#29 | Posted by LampLighter"
Great, maybe if you learn reading comprehension skills, you could have read any one of my posts above where I made that exact point many times already. I am happy you finally made it to this place in thinking but I am not going to waste my time guiding you there ever again. You are just too damn dense.