" This is a pardon, after all, and the Supreme Court's ruling in Burdick v. United States establishes that accepting a pardon carries with it "an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it." If the Biden White House issued these pardons, they'd be doing the Trump administration's work for them by branding them criminals in some ill-defined way."
#31 | Posted by BellRinger
This is why you don't let non-lawyers write about the law.
In Burdick v. US (1915), that part about imputation of guilt was dictum. It was NOT part of the ruling nor established as law.
In Lorrance v. Commandant, USDB, the 10th circuit said the complete opposite and that was part of the ruling, a key part in fact.
So as of right now, there is no clear legal ruling on whether a Pardon carries an imputation of guilt or acceptance of a confession other than the Lorrance decision.
You have to remember that shrimptacodan is not from the US.
He actually wants this country to fail and hates US veterans.
Kind of like Elon actually.