#19 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-12-10 12:35 PM | Reply | Flag
He assaulted multiple passengers by throwing garbage at them. He also became very hostile to a point where a woman with a small child was shielding herself behind her baby stroller.
"2. Why did this guy keep him in a choke hold for 6 whole minutes and long after he passed out?"
Probably had something to do with training as a marine.
#20 | Posted by lfthndthrds
So he assaulted no one.
And his training was to murder the guy.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Arm teachers?
A hundred fully trained officers with bullet proof vests wouldn't charge into a school to confront a shooter with an AR-15.
But 50 year old Mrs. Thompson teaching English for $45,000 a year should strap on that pistol, charge into a hail of gunfire, and take out the shooter.
These are the same teachers Republicans didn't give a damn about during COVID when they demanded students be back in school.