How many times has Twoothy alone retorted with "Trump is a rapist" regardless of the subject when we all know he pulled the lever twice for Clinton with no regard to the accusations of sexual misconduct on Bill Clinton's part?
It's almost as if some of you are a little hypocritical about it......LOL
#32 | Posted by eberly
A cigar with a consenting adult is not rape. You can mention he had one accuser without any evidence with no criminal charges or civil suit if you'd like that came out during his second term. But don't worry, we'll never elect him again and we definitely didn't base the party around him.
Trump lost in court. Trump has numerous photos and travel logs with Epstein. Trump has numerous accusers with evidence. Trump has bragged about sexually assaulting women.
Also isn't it absolutely amazing that these threats are taken SO seriously against the rich...but ignored for everyone else that works for a living?
Kidding. Not amazing at all in our country where CEO's are getting a special 911 number in New York.