You all were totally good with this:
" Much of that violence has been directed at law enforcement,
and it has taken a serious toll. During the 2020 riots, more than 900 law enforcement officers were injured, including 277 officer injuries while defending the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, and 60 Secret Service officers
defending the White House."
Source is Senate judiciary.
#44 | Posted by BellRinger
Oh yes, I remember ALL the calls for Pardons... right?
Oh. There were none? How odd.
I do remember you idiots cheering on police beating and attacking even peaceful protesters. Like in Minnesota, where cops drove around in a van after the protests and shot random people walking with rubber bullets for fun.
Really? I do not remember your opinion at the time agreeing with how SCOTUS ruled.
- gaslighter
It wasn't difficult, every government official has qualified immunity.
#39 | Posted by oneironaut
Qualified Immunity is for Civil Suits, not Criminal Cases.
Do you ever have a clue?