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When you step up to opiods it is a whole different level of addiction....
#23 | POSTED BY GALAXIEPETE AT 2024-03-22 10:46 AM | REPLY

Kinda depends on the person I've been an opioid addict for about 15 years. I make around 6 figures with no college education and MS because the opioid addiction masks the pain enough to keep me working, sometimes 60+ hours a week and always 40+.
I also carefully manage it and thus far have kept it from spiraling. In fact it's been 7 years since my last increase in dosage. Some days I will have to have an extra bump but I always counter that with a light day within the next 2 days.
Not everyone has the level of self control I do but there are a lot more of us out there than you think. I would guess 75 percent of housing in the US had at least 1 opioid addict working on it.

I cannot tell you the solution but I can guarantee sticking our collective heads in the sand (and making getting legal pain relief difficult if not impossible) will not solve it.
#35 | POSTED BY DONNERBOY AT 2024-03-22 03:09 PM | REPLY

In the 15 years since my initial script for vicodin getting refills has become increasingly a pain in the butt. I'm lucky that my doctor was treating me long before the current laws because what some folks I know have to go through to get their legit pain refills makes keeping a job pretty hard. How many bosses want an employee that will need 2-3 hours off every month to go to the pain clinic? I have a buddy who has to do that, nice thing is he works in the field like me so he doesn't tell his boss just nips off and gets it done but what about an office worker? The looks you get if people find out are pretty disheartening as well.

Every time someone politician starts talking about "stopping the opioid epidemic" I cringe thinking "what new hurdles will I have to jump". One fun one is that if they drug test you and you have anything but opioids in your system they can yoink your script so if you have a light day and decide to smoke so cannabis and use less opioids that day and they drug test you a few days later say bye bye. Our drug laws in this country are pretty jacked up and for the most part not based on reality.

Now I'm off to work for the 6th day in a row then come home and go shopping for flooring and countertops for the kitchen remodel we are doing.
Thanks Norco!

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