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Thursday, July 04, 2024

The blueprint, called Project 2025 and produced by the conservative Heritage Foundation, is one of several think-tank proposals for Trump's platform. Over more than 900 pages, it calls for sacking thousands of civil servants, expanding the power of the president, dismantling the Department of Education and other federal agencies, and sweeping tax cuts. read more

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Donald Trump is making a new push to get his New York hush-money conviction tossed out after the US Supreme Court ruled that he has at least some immunity from criminal prosecution for official actions he took while president. The former president's lawyers on Monday took preliminary steps to request that a New York judge set aside the jury's verdict against him, according to a person familiar with the situation who declined to be identified discussing nonpublic matters.


When ------- took office in 2017, he was surrounded by traditional republicans, lifelong government employees and incompetents. Thus, the majority of what he attempted failed, either thwarted by traditional republicans, the courts or his own incompetence.

There will be NO repetition of that. The courts have been stacked to his benefit. The SC has signaled they will protect this agenda OR have explicitly issued decisions designed to further this agenda-immunity, political coordination with the DoJ, destroying the administrative state. He will not be populating his office with traditional republicans, he has learned to empower loyalists. He has succeeded in bending the republican party to his will, gone are those whose loyalty was questionable (to him).

These people will come to Washington with an agenda and a plan to enact it.

Do not fool yourself they WILL enact Project 2025.

Our nation will be unrecognizable a year from now if ------- wins.

Whole departments eliminated.

Whole bureaucracies dismantled resulting in upheaval throughout society as the regulatory and administration of much of daily life is thrown out the window.

Executive orders being issued to destroy many of the rights we think we still hold, ex. enforcing the Comstock Act and poof reproductive rights are GONE for the entire nation.

Rounding up of millions of immigrants-imagine the disruption this will cause!

All of this disruption WILL result in protests and he WILL use the National Guard to suppress dissent.

2025 will be UGLY should he be re-elected.

Drudge Retort

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