You don't try crimes in a civil court. You also shouldn't have to change the statutes of limitations just to make a case.
His accuser couldn't remember much about it including when it happened. One thing she will remember - not getting paid.
#34 | Posted by lfthndthrds
No one mentioned criminality.
He was found liable for what the judge stated was rape, as understood colloquially.
So, we have you denying the fact.
We have you attempting to insert irrelevant facts.
You attempt to distract with a timing issue-as if that changes the facts.
You attempt to denigrate the accuser to imply she wasn't raped.
Then you insult her.
See, these are all examples of what I mean, stubborn ignorance.
He was found liable in an American court for raping a woman. All of your distractions, lies and misstatements do not change that simple fact.
You cannot admit that.
And I freely admit that that is a common issue.
But, that is a YOU issue, not a democratic party issue.
You voted for a rapist. You deny you voted for a rapist. I ask again
How electing a rapist as president isn't the triumph of toxic masculinity.
Go ahead and present a path forward to get people so devoid of morals that they voted for a rapist to change
Explain how it is possible to change the minds of people so stubbornly ignorant.
The average medical school debt in 2023 was $202,453, according to the Education Data Initiative.