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Thursday, September 19, 2024

America has been crushing our neighbor's economies and making their people live in squalor because they won't let us run their governments. I started in the 40's and 50's when United Fruit began expanding into huge banana plantations and other American mining interests were faced with labor strikes from the near slave workers and branded them communists to get Federal help to force them to accept what was offered. We are still boycotting Cuba Honduras Nicaragua El Salvador and Venezuela because they have leftist governments. read more

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Israel looks like America if Trump is in control. Half of it's citizens and Jews world-wide watch in horror as Crazed racist religious nuts doom Israel and them to perpetual hell on earth, and maybe take us all down. read more

Oh boy!- It's about why groups of people historically become cult-like blind followers (It's an instinct!). It's about who and why Trumpers & Republicans are destroying America. It's about billionaires who used racism to divide us and now it's destroying us. It's about the true history of the world including all the wars and devastation and genocide that got us where we are. It's about the horror of future life under a fascist racist white supremist dictatorship. read more

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How about a God that is supernaturally good and kind and smart. Most other religions believe that God is directing everything that happens and has designed our world. That would be criminally insane. No God would design a beautiful world full of precious animals, and then invent all kinds of starving vicious predators to tear them to pieces and eat them alive. No God would invent humans that are so flawed and inherently corrupted that they spend all their energy killing each other or at least oppressing a few million hapless war refugees into near starvation when not actually bombing them. The bibles, and Korans, and other instructions from all the different Gods, are just propaganda written by old men who believe certain privileged men should enslave everybody else by fear of a vicious God. We recommend a church with the same general principles of the one described by the Dali Lama- "The world is our church, and love is our religion". read more

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

/Movie Time/- In near future after Magats destroy U.S. economy- Rule 666 requires all Americans or any person or entity having profited from business within the USA, to return to the treasury, 50% of their wealth over 2 million dollars, up to 10 million dollars, and 95% of any wealth above 10 million. Naturally, thousands of millionaires and billionaires Flee like rats leaving a burning ship. While America is trying to recover from fascist rule, bounty hunters, professional, and amateur, chase fleeing and hiding American politicians, millionaires and billionaires carrying Fendi luggage full of cash everywhere, through jungles and Tuscany and all the islands. read more


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