"Wars they start?
Israel was just plopped in their midst, like a turd. The British had no legal authority to impose it on them by Fiat.
It was Pure Imperialism and Truman gave it a big boost by recognizing Israel in spite of its obviously illegal and unjust beginning.
Israel will Die as they have lived. In Violence and deliberate Chaos.
If they last a century it will be Surprising. They are creating Enemies that don't Forget.
Trying to Erase Palestine from human memory will fail.
There is no Statute of Limitations on Ethnic Murder and Land theft.
Israel will live and Know Fear.
They already do.
You are a big idiot. Please stop with the disinformation and abject Iranian propaganda. What's wrong, your hero Putler not giving you enough things to cheer about these days? Or, is the Russian loss of Syria still got you depressed and sad? The facts are that the Jewish people have one single country to go to in the entire world where they are semi safe and have been there longer than any Moslems yet, dozens of Islamic states refuse to let Christians, Jews or gay people even live in their ------ countries and yet here you are picking on the Israelis yet again? Would you be happy if Hair Furer, your buddies in Iran, Putler and Xi join forces to exterminate all the Jews of the world? Or would you just be content if those that live in Israel are all killed by your heroes the gave dwelling gang rapists from the Gaza Strip?
I see EFFORT TRAITOR is on her lipping off again. The person has burns all over his knees for servicing Vlad the Mass Murderer and I can see he is also a TRumpanzee traitor. The Europeans will take care of themselves, but do not think pulling these troops out of Europe is going to save any money as we will be back soon enough to fight the Russian and their lackeys.