Canada did the same thing letting in really rich foreigners that invested $250,000 dollars into Canadian property who were rewarded with green cards. Vancouver along now has over 37,000 Chinese millionaires and they have destroyed the housing market for the working class Canadians to be able to live there. Is this what Americans wish? To turn the U$A into the San Francisco Bay Area where only the rich can afford to live?
"With its relatively weak currency and welcoming immigration policies, Canada has become a top destination for China's 1 percenters. According to government figures, from 2005 to 2012, at least 37,000 Chinese millionaires took advantage of a now-defunct immigrant investor program to become permanent residents of British Columbia, the province that includes Vancouver."
I had to take numerous classes while working for the federal government about ethics at work and one of the rules was I was not allowed to buy my boss a ten dollar lunch as that was corruption. This slime vends his Nazi buddies stuff on the white house lawn?