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Maggot scum! Orange grifting rapist felon extortionist lying POS is out to ruin the country. Now, the feds will have to rent these buildings or go somewhere else to rent the equivalent if their is any employees left at all. If the feds decide to bite the bullet and stay inside these buildings, they will have to pay a high rent and of course we all know that a private hedge fund does 'not' do maintenance so any improvements will come from tax payer dollars. Just look at all the private housing bought up during the 2008 disaster and after the Pandemic; what was once nice neighborhoods where people owned their homes is now all turned into slums. Here is an example of just how stupid privatizing all the infrastructure is. I work in Yosemite and the Federal courthouse I was repairing had a right wing judge sitting inside pushing her weight around and she decided it was better to have a private company manage the maintenance of the courthouse so as to save them money. Cleans the place by emptying their trash, clean and vacuum and guess what? At the rates the contractor was offering his workers, it was not cost effective to have people driving over 100 miles on very curvy dangerous roads every day of the week to work for just a couple hours each day. The contractor cannot get anybody to do this work so trash hardly gets picked nor does the place get cleaned. The judge than badgered the NPS to have one of their underpaid employees swing by to do this so the NPS does the work for free and the contractor gets paid anyway. The NPS hired an employee, who could live up in or very near Yosemite this job got taken care of properly. so the US tax payer was getting billed for twice. It was the judges brain fart that led to this problem and guess who bitches and moans all the time about ---- not getting emptied or cleaned in a timely manner? That's right same stupid judge. The same stupid over-paid judge had also worked a deal that NPS would do the painting; four hours a month work. Recently, the NPS, in a display of charity, spent several weeks painting the entire exterior of the place. because a couple years went by before it got a coat of paint. The NPS must have spent about $30,000 doing that paint job. I've seen infrastructure in both Yosemite and Yellowstone built by private contractors and it is always and I mean always more expensive than what we(NPS) could do it for. Cutting corners is another way the contractor's attempt to save money on their bloated contracts. In Yellowstone, we were refurbishing the main administration building which was 8 stories high made of large stones and brick. We hired a private contractor to come in to build the scaffolding that we would work off of and they did a really really ------ job that was totally unsafe to work off of. No guard rails on corners and wood that was bending severally when we walked on it so, the shop foreman forced the dick head cheapskate contractor to tear it down and redo it again. How much money was saved? Not much eh?

I am a legal permanent resident in a small foreign democracy and it is illegal for me to protest. I am left wing in most things so depending upon if it is a leftist or right wing government, I hypothetically could have my residency revoked and deported for protesting. I doubt it would ever happen but the previous right wing administration did deport some folks that were communists and spreading propaganda around but I have yet to read anything about a left wing administration doing the same. I really do not see how that obese orange daughter lusting rapist pedophile grifting extortionist could kick university students out of the country for protesting along side other students. Personally, I could care less about 'certain' students that support cave dwelling gang rapists, bomb planting cowards or people that ram other people with a motor vehicle or whip out a high caliber weapon or just use a machete to kill innocent folks so theres's that. The orange pig just wishes to squelch any and all protest for people who do 'not' wear white hood and sheets, belong to a state 'white' wing militia. Another group, fat pig orange traitor supports are the Proud Bitches, those 'so-called though guys that usually assault unarmed women and skinny men, any brainwashed racist douchebags sporting a red Maggot hat made in China, or those that dress and act like Nazis. All those fiends can openly attack, burn and murder people in public but if little Mary so much as waves a Bernie Sanders flag she faces the firing squad in TRump's sick future world yet to come.

I have worked inside two national parks(Yellowstone & Yosemite) and all the workers but, a few, were really hard working folks that took pride in their jobs. The sick thing is that the lazy workers were the bigot loudmouths that hated the federal government and the NPS i.e. the right wing racists that could not be bothered to do their jobs as they laid about in their trucks or in the break room which they spent half the day sleeping in it. I had to threaten one of them for talking racist ---- about California, which is where I am from, and he thought better than going "outside with me" to fix 'his' problem. I wanted to fist whip him so bad but the moto was whoever threw the first punch would get fired so I refrained from busting him up to just calling him every name in the book. These guys talked ---- about Native Americans, Mexicans, blacks, women and gays and yet I could hardly find any of those folks working in the park service at Yellowstone or living in Montana. One worker, I worked with in Yosemite, use to drive up to cool high elevation and sleep in his truck with his lazy assistant while I got stuck doing all the high ladder work either in the Valley or in lower extremely hot areas of the park in 110 degree weather. He voted TRump and I hoped he got canned but alas it was the locksmith and electrician that are now gone. They do not even have anybody else to do these jobs. Just makes me sick to my stomach and two weeks ago I got my job offer "rescinded" for this next season and it will be that lazy ---- up there doing nothing making us all look bad while he talks about lazy minorities doing nothing for the country.


Remember these names and faces. They will be brought before the hangman's noose and the guillotines soon enough.

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