Three chemicals are used to fluoridate drinking water in the U.S: sodium fluoride (NaF); sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6); and fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6).
Fluorosilicic acid is a byproduct of the manufacture of phosphate fertilizer. It is recovered as a vapor, which ensures a high degree of purity. Both sodium fluoride and sodium fluorosilicate are made from fluorosilicic acid recovered in this manner.
Sodium fluorosilicate is created by neutralizing fluorosilicic acid with caustic soda, itself a water treatment chemical. Sodium fluoride is created by neutralizing fluorosilicic acid with sodium chloride, common salt.
This is how the fluoride that is used to bring fluoride levels up to the desired level (less than or equal to 0.7mg/liter) are created. Through chemistry, resulting in soluble fluoride compounds.
Now you can find all kinds of garbage out there about how the fluorides are somehow different based on the source, for instance those people selling their "natural spring water" and others (profit oriented or health nutcases, or our future cabinet member) but there is no difference in the resulting water.
"(There is) no difference between the fluoride present naturally and the fluoride added as part of a community water fluoridation scheme. In laboratory analysis, the fluoride ions would be indistinguishable from one another, regardless of their origins."
Anyone that's not afraid and was a critic of Trump is a fool.
We are at the rubicon, waiting to see if we are going to cross it.
We have been promised that retribution is coming. Over and over we've heard it.
We've heard they are going to immediately start rounding up those they targeted with their campaign of hate towards immigrants.
We've heard his statements about ending the Constitution, of going after the Press that he considers an enemy, of those that were doing their job to hold him accountable under the law for his illegal actions. The number of threats Trump has made is long.
I take Trump and his followers at their word.