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Thursday, May 30, 2024

A political consultant who sent artificial intelligence-generated robocalls mimicking President Joe Biden's voice to voters ahead of New Hampshire's presidential primary faces a $6 million fine and more than two dozen criminal charges.


Currently with no discharge in bankruptcy, and federal backing ... it is impossible for banks to lose money. That incentivizes every investing fees and bloat.

If you don't think republicans are working hard to keep that status quo so banks make endless money, I don't know how to fix your stupidity.

Democrats continue to fight for the status q because it continues to look good on paper how many "minorities" are enrolling in college.

I'm but saying minority enrollment is a bad thing. It absolutely isn't. But, the way we go about it is the height of stupidity. Allowing anyone to saddle themselves with 100k in debt for mostly worthless degree in a major no one gives a crap about and calling it a win, is what's happening. " Statistics be damned, degrees for everyone!" Is the Democrat mantra, while the Republican mantra is "everyone gets paid! ... . Except of course the degree recipient ... . But who cares about them! Capitalism hell yeah!"

We need to be rewarding the hard sciences, management, busing and other high paying in demand jobs and letting charities and rich uncles help pile get degrees in areas with low rates of return.

One of the things I find unreal, is that to be s as teacher, it's a requirement in many places to have a masters degree, which represents tens of thousands in additional dollars spent on education ... .. for a job that on average, pays 50-60k a year. It's crazy.

Middle management security jobs at many companies pay 60-70k and require advanced degrees. We are requiring people leave their future with massive debt in the hopes of return, but mostly that return isn't there.

This country has done everything wrong with college. We've enacted a system where the government has guaranteed repayment with no discharge in bankruptcy. We've encouraged college for every profession regardless of whether or not it's needed. This created an environment rewarding unlimited growth. And not just in academics, but unlimited growth in administration too help provide more and more financial aid to students.

The answer is simple. Means test financial aid on future ability to repay. Not what your parents made last year, but what your finances are likely to repay. Yes this will decimate the financial aid available to a whole slew of the arts. While the arts are absolutely important, aid for those should be done through charities set up to fund them. They shouldn't be funded by massive loans unlikely to be repaid. Encourage the hard, physical sciences, business, law, medicine, nursing, all avenues that have a realistic expectation of income and repaying the loan.

Then ... . Make student loans discardable in bankruptcy, and end federal backing. Blacksher should take as hard a look at student loans as they do any other loan.

Add the money pool dries up, colleges will actually have to compete for dollars, and trim the bloat. It's unreal how much bloat there is right now in colleges.

I am not even going to talk about too much "wokeness" because that's just a lie and a stupid argument. They aren't teaching wokeness and turning kids into indoctrinated automatons. They just aren't.

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