When you do almost nothing but hurl invective you aren't owed the courtesy of anything.
I will throw you some table scraps - if the GOP abuses the process to fake a recess to install any appointments and, yeah, I'll be loud about it in opposition. But seriously, eff you on this. Did you not cheer congressional bypass for Biden to try and buy votes via transferring student loan debt to the taxpayers?
4 years ago Democrats and the left made a h HUGE push to abolish the filibuster and with a 50/50 tie in the Senate (well below the margin that GOP has coming in) and a comparably narrow House lead they pushed to add statehood, to Puerto Rico and DC. Pack SCOTUS with 4 new justices ALL chosen by Biden and confirmed with a VP tie-breaker. Nationalize voting laws and outlawing certain popular safe-guards at the state level like showing ID.
Did you oppose ANY of those proposed measures that were only openly opposed by Manchin and Sinema who are both no longer on the Senate?
Those are on a whole new playing field worse than what the GOP is currently threatening.