How do you feel about losing your VA healthcare?
That's just you being jealous I worked for something you were to scared to do. That's just the ----- in you talking.
All I have to do is sit and wait you bag of ----
Good you bitch, nothing like what you are saying happened then either, other than the best economy I've seen in a while, lowest gas prices and no inflation. Sure, sit on your ass and wait. Dumbass..
boaz, dear little ----, are you threatening me?
No, no need for that. You are too much of a ----- man. If we were in person and you spoke to me like that, I'd just kick your ass.
You are probably like Kudzu, when he had the chance to meet me in person, he ran, like most of you ----- liberals do anyway in person.
It was never true then and it remains untrue now.
#116 | Posted by jpw
Look and see how many threads have over 100 posts in one day.
Hell, the Nooner would reach 100 almost everyday if all of us were posting on it.
We have kept you and truthhurts here all day posting...well?
Without us, hardly any post would get over 100 unless it was an election year post.
I have no doubt, no liberal wants to come here and talk to other liberals.