Marta Castillo is angry about immigration. There are too many migrants in her town, she said, and they don't speak the language. "We've been invaded," she said, standing outside her job at a restaurant. "I changed my opinion (about them), because I live in a place where we didn't see any of this. But now everywhere there are people who aren't from here." read more
Lets do it!
The place we can gas bag about issues of the day.
Why do they keep asking if we will accept the election results?
Toyota Motor Corp. has joined the list of organizations in the United States that are refocusing their policies on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) following online backlash. The company last week sent a memo to its 5,000 US employees and 1,500 dealers stating that it will "narrow our community activities to align with STEM education and workforce readiness," Bloomberg reported. According to the report, the carmaker will also end its participation in the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index and other corporate culture surveys.
OH look! Democrats trying to change rules again.
When the court was majority Democrat, we didnt hear these things, did we?