We could totally eliminate the VA medical system by establishing universal healthcare.
I could almost agree with you, if everyone was taxed the same percentage of income. And I'm talking about in addition to what we are paying now. But we know that wont happen.
I know a woman who was in the Navy for a couple of years.
I also know a person who was in the Army for only 2 years. He went to Iraq, came home and some how got 100% disability. Seemed as normal as everyone else, but for some reason, got alot of disability.
I was in for almost 25 years, did 4 or 5 combat tours and do not qualify for that level disability. But then again, I havent put in for it as it's not needed.
We all knew that Donald and MAGA were coming after the vets.
I dont know where you are getting this from, but I guess it's a dream of yours. Actually, when Donald was President before, he did alot with the VA concerning benefits that helped alot. I have no reason to think the next 4 will be any different.
They arent going to touch anything to do with veterans, you progressives and Democrats can keep hoping.
your jobs-corps service be damned.
Wow, didnt know you were a military hater/jealous person.