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Let's take a more familiar example.

President. We will go with Trump. Donald Trump was not president when he was born. He was just Donald John Trump. Then, at a certain time he was elected president by the people and became The President of The United States. After that he can always be referred to as Mr. President, even after his mandate is up. But you would not call him Donald President - that wouldn't make any sense - no such person exists.

Then, a new president is elected and he/she becomes the new president and will carry that title the rest of his/her life.

Jesus was born and known as Jesus of Nazareth because in those days they didn't have a last name or family name. He became the Christ at the age of 30 and then performed his 3-year ministry as the Christ on earth, he will never lose that title.

The Christ title will always belong to Jesus in the same way as the president title will always belong to any given president of the United States, but there is no such person as Jesus Christ, you can call him Christ Jesus or Jesus the Christ, just like you can say President Trump or Trump the 45th President of the United States - he will carry that title forever - no one can take it away.

Jesus is the Christ of the Age of Pisces and no one can change that. But now as we enter a new age, God will declare a new Christ for the new age who will expand on the teachings of Jesus the Christ of the previous age because humanity has grown and humanity needs a new Christ/President to carry it into the future.

I hope that clarifies my point. Love you all.

First: I believe YAV is correct in his assessment of where the blasphemous statement that "Jesus is God" came from. I believe that statement to be a Christian lie. In fact the Christian Church itself was created by Paul in order to bring down the true followers of Jesus and those who understood Jesus' message. Paul (a Roman who changed his name from Saul) never walked with Jesus and disputed with Peter, James and John (Jesus' inner circle). Paul/Saul consented to the stoning of Stephen (a fervent believer in the philosophy of Christ) unto his death in front of the court house in Jerusalem for blasphemy. After that, the people turned away from Saul. And then Saul decided that in order to turn the people back on his side he needed a plan, so, he left Jerusalem and he said that he saw Jesus on the way to Damascus and that Jesus told him to stop fighting against him. That is when Saul changed his name to Paul and founded the Christian Church a bit later in Antioch around 37 AD. But he did not found the Christian Church with Peter, James and John who remained in Jerusalem and had already founded the Christine Church on the day of the Pentecost " which Saul was not a part of. Jesus told Peter to start the Church " not Paul. Anyway, the bottom line is that the Christian Church was the Roman solution to confusing the people about the true message Jesus had brought. The Romans ruthlessly persecuted anyone who understood the true message (especially if they proclaimed it in public) and allowed the alternative to prosper and grow under the new Pope and the Catholic Church. The greatest deception of all time " twisting the words of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth into a fairy tale and embarking on crusades to force people everywhere to convert to the newfound Roman religion. They started calling him Jesus Christ and used that name to convince the people to join but then quickly substituted Jesus' teachings with those of Paul " who wrote most of the New Testament starting around Chapter 3 of Acts or so. He even found a new Peter and... Well it's a long story and one that takes quite some insight to understand. For more information about how Jesus has already returned in the form of a book, you can check this out: @aquarianthunderproductions

Or: https://theaquariangospel.yolasite.com

Second: The contrast I see between Jesus and Mohammed is that Jesus came as a teacher and never tried to force anyone to believe his teachings " in fact he gave his life freely and allowed himself to be persecuted " but never turned to violence. Unfortunately, the Christian Church came along and used Jesus as a prop in order to carry out their fantasy of ruling the world through any means necessary " a very sad reality of the last 2000 years. My understanding about Mohammed is that he became sick and tired of this constant persecution of his Arabic brothers and sisters and decided to fight back. He stood up for his race and tried to give them a standing in a world dominated by ruthless warriors " including but not limited to the crusaders. He gave the Arabia a voice. He called Jesus a brother from a different mother (paraphrase). But by the time Mohammed came on the scene around 4-500 years after Jesus, the teachings of Jesus had already been extremely corrupted and back then it was much harder to sift through all the noise to get to the bottom of it all. There was no internet and the ruthless vultures were always circling around, so it is hard to judge " and it is not my job to judge the characters. You can be assured that all will be judged according to their character. I hope you all find the universal truths that Jesus portrayed especially on the Sermon on the Mount " for by these words shall we all be judged.

God is not a man. Yes, we are all manifestations of God, we are all gods, but the devil also lurks inside man. There is only one Father God and that is Jehovah and Jehovah is the source of all and he is the judge not like men who are a mixed bag, man can do evil or good and will be judged for his words and deeds. Man is a thought of God. We are all individuals who must pass the 7 tests. You are trying to tell me that God is a man. That is not true. God is all. But I am not God, you are not God. Jehovah is Almighty God. You make big statements without a source. I believe in Jesus as he taught and he never said "I am God" or "you are God". That is blasphemy.

You said: "Then because you and everyone in the universe are manifestations of the Universe so you are also God and Jesus is also God."

That statement is something you came up with but where is your source for such a grand statement? Yes we are all manifestations of God but that does not mean that I am God or you are God. I think that is quite a stretch, and I do not have to agree with your statement even it makes sense to you in your understanding.

I need a real source, which you don't really have for the statement "Jesus is God", that is a made up Christian lie that Jesus himself never said.

So, I ask you to back up that one specific statement from a source so that I can decide if I want to agree with you on that. But as far as I can tell that statement is a lie and the other one (above quote) you just made up off the top of your head. If you are going to put words in God or Jesus's mouth, you better back them up or I will assume that you are simply repeating some Christian dogma or making up your own dogma.

You mix some truth in and then stretch it out according to your own understanding but in the end that is called dogma and not truth. Peace out..

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