"So ... Are all the folks born before Christ languishing in hell for all eternity?"
There is no such thing as before Christ. Christ is infinite from the never ending past to the never ending future.
Christ is a Greek word Kristos which existed before Jesus. Christ is the God of Love. Jesus became the Christ at the age of 30 when he was christed.
But Jesus was not the only Christ to have lived. Jesus is the Christ of the Piscean Age.
Enoch was a Christ. Melchezedich was a Christ, known as the King of Salem, the King of peace.
Christ (The only son of God) manifests around every 2000 years or so.
The Christ is within you, that is what Jesus the Christ was trying to tell us. But first you must purify your heart with faith (the understanding of the words that Jesus spoke) then you will see the face of God and live.
Enoch spoke similar to Jesus.
Anyway, I know you guys don't understand what I am saying right now but you will eventually.
Jesus = Man; Christ = God of Love.
Jesus the Christ, the God/Man of the last age - the piscean age (the Age of Pisces).
We are now entering the Age of Aquarius, thus Christ will return, but no one knows the day or hour.
"You're all just zombies yearning for your apocalypse.
You don't believe in civilized society anymore. People expect the worst from you."
I am glad you are keeping the faith ZED.
I believe that most people want good things in life, but unfortunately there are many bad actors with lots of power who seem to be bent on destroying people's faith in good.
I personally do not wish to experience the Apocalypse, and maybe we can wish that idea away... Wish...