But I can't shake Carville's idea about an "organic" movement - of which the Civil Rights Revolution and Antiwar Movement stand out. Hopefully, something akin may be in the offing. Starts small, making contacts, forging networks, talking, not being afraid.
#10 | POSTED BY DOC_SARVIS AT 2025-02-19 12:48 PM | FLAG: | NEWSWORTHY 1
Carville's instincts have always been good, and I think he's right. I feel it too. People who have been quiet for most of their lives and for most of their time on social media are speaking out. They are calling their members of Congress, they are joining informal groups, they are marching, they are strategizing on goals and tactics.
Trump, the long game? Ha ha ha. The only long game he has is remembering somebody who didn't kiss his ass thoroughly enough and must be avenged. He's about as strategic as a festering boil.
(Apologies to the former poster who used an approximation of that appellation.)