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Friday, June 28, 2024

A West Virginia couple are charged with human trafficking, child neglect, forced labor and more after, prosecutors allege, they adopted five Black children from a shelter to do forced labor and live in deplorable conditions. read more

President Joe Biden's dire debate performance didn't just worry Democrat lawmakers. Some of his aides were so concerned by what they saw that they made sure to get their LinkedIn pages updated Thursday night "just in case," according to Politico. read more

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Eight men walked free after gang-raping 15-year-old girl in a case that stunned the world. According to local newspaper, a woman wrote one of the rapists writing, amongst other things, that he was a "dishonourable rapist pig" and a "disgusting freak". She will now face more jail time than eight of the convicted rapists. read more

Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge to Tennessee Law Banning Transition Care for Minors. The move comes as states around the country have pushed to curtail transgender rights. read more

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Tesla has electronic locks and there is no physical key to gain access. Firefighters had to break the window of the vehicle to get the child out as quickly as possible.


Instead of, you know, providing them with resources and housing [...] #15 | Posted by truthhurts

"S.F. spent millions to shelter homeless in hotels. These are the disastrous results" www.sfchronicle.com

"The city of San Francisco believes it may need to pay up to $26 million for damage and lost revenue to hotels that homeless residents caused during the pandemic, as it attempts to resolve claims from the hotels that agreed to participate in the city's shelter-in-place program." www.sfchronicle.com

But yes, by all means, let's keep shoveling resources at people who believe they live in a consequence-free zone.

Like I said, you're all welcome to roll out the red carpet for these fine individuals in your communities. SCOTUS didn't prohibit anyone from playing a sucker.

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