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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Four Sri Lankan fishermen have died and another two are critically ill after consuming an unknown liquid from bottles they found while at sea, according to local media reports. read more

Joe Biden 2019 vs 2024. What a difference five years makes. read more

[The man] told deputies he saw the drone fly over his home and believed it was watching him. read more

Donald Trump hailed Joe Biden as his most dangerous rival in a speech on Friday, in what some see as a bid to stave off having the president replaced with a more formidable opponent. read more

Friday, June 28, 2024

A West Virginia couple are charged with human trafficking, child neglect, forced labor and more after, prosecutors allege, they adopted five Black children from a shelter to do forced labor and live in deplorable conditions. read more


Why are the homeless there? #21 | Posted by LampLighter

Lots of reasons (e.g., drugs, mental illness, lazy, good for nothings). Maybe some combination of the above.

It's easy to look down upon people who have nothing and are merely trying to survive this experiment called life. They are just trying to live the best way they know how. #22 | Posted by LauraMohr

Then I guess those who are able to do so, better learn to earn their keep. It's not my job or my community's to enable druggies to live on the street and deal with all the issues that flow from that.

And those who can't take care of themselves? Then we better step up as a society and take care of them. But we are no longer required to let people live on the street because that's what they want. With the threat of incarceration, we have one more tool to deal with this issue, if we so choose.

Umm you become a junkie because you have mental health problems. Why would anyone in their right mind choose to be a junkie? Reminds me of a joke. Anyone who think they need therapy needs to get their head examined! #54 | Posted by donnerboy

While some addicts start off using drugs to self-medicate for mental illnesses, that's not always the case. I'm not going to list all of the references, but here's one showing the correlation: NIDA. And addiction can cause mental illness (see meth psychosis, sweet delicious meth).

People don't usually choose to be a junkie, just like people don't set out to become alcoholics. They start out for the buzz and eventually they need it just to function. And then it's all they care about, to the point that living on the street means nothing to them.

This ruling now gives municipalities another tool to compel addicts to get help. Or at the very least, allows the rest of us to stop having to live with their preferred addict lifestyle.

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