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Monday, July 01, 2024

The Democratic National Committee is considering formally nominating Joe Biden as early as mid-July to stamp out intra-party chatter of replacing him after last week's poor debate performance. read more

More than 4 in 10 Democrats, 41%, said the Democratic Party should replace Biden as its presidential nominee. That included 37% of those who say they plan to vote for him. read more

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Four Sri Lankan fishermen have died and another two are critically ill after consuming an unknown liquid from bottles they found while at sea, according to local media reports. read more

Joe Biden 2019 vs 2024. What a difference five years makes. read more

[The man] told deputies he saw the drone fly over his home and believed it was watching him. read more


Summary on Axon evidence security here. www.axon.com

Axon is used by 1000's of police departments. So probably been subject to at least as many forensic audits by defendants trying to squirm out of incriminating camera footage.

This is smart politics.
#2 | Posted by BellRinger

Yeah, Joe's got no shot. Comparison from 2019 here in case you didn't see it.

Maybe swing-state voters will give Joe a few pity votes for elder abuse in November after that vid plays nonstop for the next few months.

So now you're retreating from saying it was "the issue before the court" and instead saying someone raised it as an argument? My point from the beginning is that this was tangential to the actual decision [...] #84 | Posted by JOE
The question before the Court was whether enforcing THOSE ordinances violates the 8th Amendment. Gorsuch's mention of certain homeless people refusing shelter was just a way of kicking the plaintiffs and justifying his ruling. #85 | Posted by JOE

No, it was an argument that the homeless raised and very much an issue before the court. It is established precedent that involuntary acts cannot be criminalized under the Eighth Amendment. Robinson v. California.

If SCOTUS did not address the homeless's defense under Robinson, the homeless-lovers would claim that the court was being unfair or something because, per Wikipedia, Robinson "is the first landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court in which the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution was interpreted to prohibit criminalization of particular acts or conduct." There was nothing tangential about it, it was directly on point as the homeless claimed they were being criminalized for acts or conduct in violation of the Eighth.

Anyhow, you seem immune from logic or reason on this, more intent on attacking me. So, I'll let you get the last word if you want. No point discussing this further with you.

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