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Wednesday, July 03, 2024

The New York Times/Siena College poll, conducted between June 28 and July 2, found that Trump leads Biden 49% to 43% among likely voters nationally - a three point increase for the former president since the last New York Times/Siena College poll taken before the debate. Among registered voters, Trump holds a lead of 49% to 41% - also a three point swing in favor of the former president since the last poll, according to the Times. read more

A funeral home worker in Nebraska has been charged with attempting to steal a dead man's sex doll after being caught on the premises with a body bag, court documents show. read more

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Another person familiar with the matter said the reaction from some senior White House staff has been, "What the hell is happening?" read more

Smith, 52, has reportedly been having phone sex with possible suitors, in public record prison call recordings, who have offered her hundreds of thousands of dollars upon her release. read more

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) opened the proverbial floodgates of top Democrats calling for Joe Biden's ouster from the 2024 presidential ticket on Tuesday, calling his mental fitness a "legitimate question." Her comments, in a lunchtime interview with MSNBC, came mere minutes before Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) became the first sitting Democratic lawmaker to call for Biden to bow out of the presidential race. He was quickly followed by Adam Frisch, a Democratic House candidate in Colorado, who echoed the call. read more


Welp, according to BellRinger's comment here, it appears that replacing Joe in a number of states, including Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin, would be difficult at this late date, if not impossible.

So I guess we're stuck with him.


And for those in denial about Biden's chances, the swing-state table I posted earlier from a poll that LampLighter referenced. Biden wasn't doing well to begin with, but after the debate even New Mexico is in play.


And Pennsylvania? I guess they decided one mentally encumbered individual representing them meets their quota.

Anyone who thinks the Democrats can dump Biden and win in November is out of their freaking mind. It would hand the election to Trump.
Biden winning the presidency? At this point, Dems are trying avoid Biden dragging down the House and Senate. ("Democrats fear 'MAGA trifecta' if Biden drags down House and Senate candidates"

Every incumbent president in the last 30 years had a lousy first debate. Even Obama in 2012. Yet I don't remember Mitt Romney becoming president. Does anybody else? Seems like I'd remember that. #6 | Posted by rcade
This was beyond lousy. It was embarrassing, like watching an elderly person not realize that he had soiled himself. Except this time it was on stage in front of millions.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll finds Joe Biden and Donald Trump tied at 40%, suggesting that Biden has not lost ground since the debate [...] #5 | Posted by Corky
Meanwhile: "Trump Widens Lead to 6 pts After Biden's Debate Debacle" drudge.com

Biden Plunges in Swing States [...]
#14 | Posted by LampLighter

Thanks LampLighter. The findings from that poll are grim.

Graph below:
More deets at: https://www.reddit.com/r/ezraklein/comments/1dttpiz/biden_plunges_in_swing_states_in_leaked/

And in related news: "Supreme Court Ruling Will Allow More Aggressive Homeless Crackdowns" drudge.com

"Thanks to Ronnie Raygun's cuts to mental health services these people cannot get the help they need. But hey, billionaires get a fifth vacation mansion so it all balances.
#2 | Posted by Nixon"

Reagan has been dead and buried for a long, long time. Plenty of opportunity to change those laws, if we were so inclined. Even blue states haven't fixed it because, when push comes to shove, we don't care.

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