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Friday, July 05, 2024

Italian prosecutors investigated the LVMH subsidiary Dior's use of third-party suppliers in recent months. read more

A week on [from the debate], and Biden has said he isn't going anywhere, but a trickle of major Democratic donors speaking out against the president has grown into a stream. read more

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Sources revealed Biden told Democratic governors behind closed doors that he, the most powerful politician on the planet, has asked his advisers to no longer schedule events that begin later than 8 p.m. It's a bombshell revelation, first reported by The New York Times, that further calls into question Biden's fitness and position atop Democrats' presidential ticket. read more

Hunter Biden, who was with his father in the White House Wednesday afternoon, and First Lady Jill Biden have both urged him both to stay on and to fire his staff. One source of tension was that Dunn and Bauer had urged Hunter Biden to keep a lower profile for the last year. read more

"He just quit, you know"he's quitting the race," Trump says, sitting in a golf cart. "I got him out of the"and that means we have Kamala." Trump continues, "I think she's gonna be better" as an opponent. "She's so bad. She's so pathetic," he adds, plucking at his gloves, then appears to say, "She's so [effing] bad." read more


Either we win with Biden or hand ------- the presidency #2 | Posted by truthhurt

The Dems are not winning with Biden.

"In deep-blue L.A., Dems feel worried, betrayed about Biden [...] Daisy Williams, who voted for Biden in 2020 but said she wouldn't participate in November's election after watching last week's debate. "I've never seen something so crazy in my life. We in trouble ... That debate was a joke."

"Democrats fear 'MAGA trifecta' if Biden drags down House and Senate candidates" www.cnn.com

The Dem donors' pause likely adding to those previous worries.

"Biden's comment left several of the governors in the room frustrated, sources told CNN" www.cnn.com

"Biden also made a joke to the governors that didn't go over well: I'm fine - I don't know about my brain, though."

Which is actually very funny, IMHO.

Welp, according to BellRinger's comment here, it appears that replacing Joe in a number of states, including Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin, would be difficult at this late date, if not impossible.

So I guess we're stuck with him.


And for those in denial about Biden's chances, the swing-state table I posted earlier from a poll that LampLighter referenced. Biden wasn't doing well to begin with, but after the debate even New Mexico is in play.


And Pennsylvania? I guess they decided one mentally encumbered individual representing them meets their quota.

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