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Sunday, July 07, 2024

After the National Rally came out on top in the June 30 elections, opposing parties joined together to try to block the National Rally advance and withdrew candidates in some constituencies in an effort to not split the anti-far-right vote. read more

The victim, 41-year-old Allen Ray McGrew, ignited a large firework device and set it on his head. Family members tried to get him to stop, but the firework went off, and McGrew collapsed read more

A mother-of-two died in a freak accident after her clothes became caught on a cable, causing her to plunge hundreds of feet to her death in front of her husband and children.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Italian prosecutors investigated the LVMH subsidiary Dior's use of third-party suppliers in recent months. read more

A week on [from the debate], and Biden has said he isn't going anywhere, but a trickle of major Democratic donors speaking out against the president has grown into a stream. read more


I am not certain whether this disdainful mind-set says more about the people who have contempt for fashion or the people willing to waste tons of money on narcissistic items such as a $2700 bag. #11 | Posted by moder8

I think it says oodles about the people who spend almost $3K on an item that costs 5% of that to produce. Much like it said much about a culture that spent the cost of a home on a tulip bulb.

The fact that the owner of this company is a billionaire many times over, but the people manufacturing the product earned $2 an hour says quite a bit as well.

But hey, I'm always in favor of people with too much money on their hands spending it. Only wish that it went to those who needed it more, rather than, in this case, the third wealthiest man in the world.

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