Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Monday, July 08, 2024

Artificial intelligence systems can now create remarkably accurate reconstructions of what someone is looking at based on recordings of their brain activity. These reconstructed images are greatly improved when the AI learns which parts of the brain to pay attention to. read more

Sunday, July 07, 2024

After the National Rally came out on top in the June 30 elections, opposing parties joined together to try to block the National Rally advance and withdrew candidates in some constituencies in an effort to not split the anti-far-right vote. read more

The victim, 41-year-old Allen Ray McGrew, ignited a large firework device and set it on his head. Family members tried to get him to stop, but the firework went off, and McGrew collapsed read more

A mother-of-two died in a freak accident after her clothes became caught on a cable, causing her to plunge hundreds of feet to her death in front of her husband and children.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Italian prosecutors investigated the LVMH subsidiary Dior's use of third-party suppliers in recent months. read more


Chain-[haram] to IDF war-[c]orn of dismembered Palestinian [Hamas Youth] has just made you dumber and more demented, censored. #90 | Posted by NerfHerder

Not really my cup of tea.

But please keep in mind that not everyone has the rhythm and joint strength to dance in the streets like the Palestinians did on 9/11 when they were celebrating the murder of 3,000 innocent American civilians. So some people may enjoy themselves in different ways than you are used to.

But I guess Palestinians have never been big on tolerating differences ("Gay Palestinian Ahmad Abu Marhia beheaded in West Bank [ ... ] LGBTQ groups say he had spent two years in Israel waiting on an asylum claim to flee abroad after receiving death threats from within his community. Israeli media quote friends of the victim as saying he was kidnapped to the West Bank." bbc.com)

With all due respect. GFY. You act as if the Democratic party is entitled to votes. Clue phone here. They are not. Want our vote. Give us a candidate that we can vote for. Until then. Sit and spin. #20 | Posted by LauraMohr

Here you go SpeakSoftly. Case in point.

There are probably few users on this site more in need of a liberal SCOTUS for protection than Laura. But cutting off nose to spite face seems to be preferable for the Greens than voting for Al Gore or Hillary. So at least I'll be able to schauden my freude when those SCOTUS rulings inevitably make their way into our society.

Meanwhile, in France: "French Candidates Drop Out En Masse to Stop Far-Right Takeover" www.thedailybeast.com

So the French thought rationally and strategically, taking necessary steps to protect their hard-won rights (like five weeks of paid vacation a year, universal healthcare, one year of paid parental leave per child). And we have the Greens thinking that they proved a point while the Repubs tear down the few benefits we have.

And just to be clear, I will be voting for Biden if that's the only choice I have that might beat Trump. My concern is that Joe has no chance of recovering from that debate, especially seeing as he was already behind before he figuratively relieved himself up on that stage.

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