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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told President Joe Biden in a private meeting it would be best to end his presidential bid, ABC News reported on Wednesday evening. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has made similar statements "directly to the president," read more

The announcement by Schiff, who is running for US Senate in California, makes him the first Democrat to urge Biden to step aside since the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump over the weekend. read more

An Arizona father arrested last week after his 2-year-old died after being left in a hot car; he had left his children in the car on several occasions before the little girl's death, according to new information obtained in court documents. read more

Monday, July 15, 2024

"I think this is over," one Democratic aide told Politico, arguing that the news storm weakening Biden had now passed. read more

Sunday, July 14, 2024

An instantly historic image of the scene, captured in time by an Associated Press photographer, shows Trump stumbling off the stage, dripping with blood and surrounded by Secret Service agents. Moments after his brush with death, the former president raised a fist in defiance, his lips forming a single word: "Fight." read more


In terms of timing, apparently this meeting with Schumer happened shortly before the Trump rally shooting.
"Chuck Schumer Told Biden to Go Just Before Trump Kill Bid: Report [...] Schumer had a private, one-on-one meeting with the president in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware on Saturday."

They are worried about losing both Houses of Congress. So, their jobs. #2 | Posted by Corky

I suppose that's one way to look at it, as at least some Dem senators and reps would lose their elections. But not Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, or Hakeem Jeffries. I think these folks, and most of the worried Dems, are more concerned about the harm that Trump could wreak when enabled by both a GOP Congress and SCOTUS.

Biden is just trying to run out the clock.

"Senior D leaders have not changed their minds that Biden needs to get out. I think a final push will come once the R convention ends on Thursday." www.thedailybeast.com

So now Biden is going to make himself unavailable for the next couple weeks to ease the pressure and buy him enough time until the nomination is finalized first week of August.

For those who don't want to watch the video (from www.summarize.tech AI-powered video summaries):
00:00:00 - 00:15:00

In the YouTube video "Trump Makes REPREHENSIBLE POSTS after RALLY SHOOTING," the speaker criticizes Donald Trump for his dismissive attitude towards legal indictments against him, including those related to the January 6th insurrection and sexual assault allegations. The speaker expresses concern over Trump's self-centered behavior and its threat to democracy, citing past examples such as fleeing to Scotland to avoid testifying in a civil case and criticizing the judge in that case. The speaker also criticizes Trump's continued claims of a rigged election and his praise for a judge who dismissed a case against him for alleged theft of nuclear secrets and war plans. Noah Rosen Blum, a professor at NYU, is featured in the video expressing concerns about Judge Canon's alleged bias in favor of Trump due to his divisive language and rhetoric. The speaker also criticizes Trump for posting a video of President Joe Biden being gagged and hog-tied, implying it was a call for violence. The speaker urges viewers to judge for themselves and emphasizes the importance of upholding the values of democracy and respect for one another.

She can vote for whoever she wants. Trump just won the election with this photo.

And there's nothing Sleepy Joe can muster up to offset it.

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