Durov, a 40-year-old who's worth $15.5 billion according to Forbes, has donated his biomaterial to AltraVita IVF clinic in Moscow. The clinic has reportedly advertised the deal as such: "You can undergo the procedure of in vitro fertilization (IVF) absolutely free of charge, using donor sperm from Pavel Durov, one of the most famous and successful entrepreneurs of our time." read more
Qatar has asked Hamas's political leaders to leave the Gulf country, after more than a year of trying to leverage their presence to broker a cease-fire with Israel that would halt the war in Gaza and free the hostages held by the group. In a move coordinated with the U.S., Qatar told the Hamas leadership to leave about 10 days ago, according to officials familiar with the matter. read more
The Democratic Party is secretly fighting over whether to try and force out Justice Sonia Sotomayor to avoid the specter of Donald Trump sending the U.S. Supreme Court further to the right. read more
The incumbents in every single one of the 10 major countries that have been tracked by the ParlGov global research project and held national elections in 2024 were given a kicking by voters. This is the first time this has ever happened in almost 120 years of records. The cause? Inflation. read more
Just hours after Donald Trump's election win on Tuesday, Black people, including children, across the US reported receiving racist text messages telling them that they had been "selected" to pick cotton and needed to report to "the nearest plantation". While the texts, some of which were signed "a Trump supporter", varied in detail, they all conveyed the same essential message about being selected to pick cotton. read more
Let me state this clearly, NO MATTER WHAT any democrat would have done or who was nominated [Sheeteler] would have won. Because Americans are stupid Because Americans are evil So, [fudge] them the magat scum
#3 | Posted by truthhurts
Dude, I know your heart is in the right place, but you need to take some deep breaths and relax a bit and maybe get some perspective.
Were Americans evil, etc ... when they elected Obama 16 years ago? If so, when did that evil transition happen?
Trump won with as many votes this time as he lost with four years ago. Truth is people did not turn out for Kamala. Maybe consider the reasons they failed to do so.
Trump's win may have been inevitable given the economic realities. But Dems didn't do themselves any favors with a number of positions they took.
I posted the below on another blog entry that was deleted, but here goes again:
Dems really need to up their game on throwing people under the bus if they want to regain and retain power. Maybe look to Bill Clinton for some pointers.Politics is a contact sport and Dems need to learn when to bench some of their players.
Why Bill Clinton really signed DOMA
The way Bernie Sanders tells it, the former president is guilty of political expediency.
Former President Clinton Defends 1996 Crime Bill, 'Super-Predators' Remark
How the First Black Surgeon General Was Silenced [by Prez. Clinton] for Considering Drug Legalization
Hey, I am just pondering why we seemingly have anomalous results.
#35 | Posted by truthhurts
It's not anomalous if you take into account how much people HATE inflation. Pasting again the below article; maybe take a moment to look at it.
Basically, nothing changes the fact that people are upset about inflation, even if their wages doubled and the economy is roaring. Every time they go shopping and see that their groceries are 40% more expensive than a couple years ago, they become angry. And then they lash out at whichever party is in power.
Americans hate inflation, full stop
No traction for more positive economic developments, research says
June 20, 2024 Harvard News Gazette
With Trump, Israel to annex West Bank
No worries, the Muslim community appears to be OK with that sort of thing nowadays.
In Dearborn, where 55% of the residents are of Middle Eastern descent, Trump won with 42.48% of the vote over Vice President Kamala Harris, who received 36.26%.ROFL!
Oh do STFU CENSORED. Your track record as of late on being correct has been abysmal.
#27 | Posted by LauraMohr
Correct about what? The election? I never made any predictions, given the stupidity of the American voter, but I said from the get-go that I didn't think Black-Indian woman Kamala was going to win. The only hope I had was that Dems would keep the House. And it was only that, a hope.
But you think senile-Biden had a chance after he defecated himself on the debate stage for 90 minutes on national television? You don't have to take my word for it.
President-elect Trump was on track to win 400 electoral votes in a head-to-head race against President Biden, according to the White House's own internal polls.
The news was revealed by Jon Favreau, a one-time speechwriter for former President Obama who now hosts the liberal Pod Save America podcast.
"Joe Biden's decision to run for president again was a catastrophic mistake," Favreau added. "They refused to acknowledge until very late, that anyone could be upset about inflation. And they just kept telling us that his presidency was historic and it was the greatest economy ever."
Favreau accused Team Biden of "shivving" Vice President Harris and telling reporters quietly that she could not win.
It's interesting that none of the countries that signed the Accords (Bahrain, UAE, Morocco, Sudan) have an actual border with Israel.
#29 | Posted by REDIAL
Egypt and Jordan have been at peace with Israel for 44 and 30 years, respectively. Lebanon, not so much since HezzBawlzOff is under orders from Iran to keep the feud going. Syria, which is at risk of falling apart in any given year, peace with Israel is not a priority or helpful to cohesion so peace dropped off as a goal a decade or two back.
And Palestine, well, Palestine does not exist. Since the Palestinians have refused statehood five times because they refuse peace with Israel and would much rather keep hoping to murder each and every single Jew in the world (How Palestine rejected offer to have its own state 5 times in the past lawandsocietymagazine.com ).
It was worldwide, with every governing party losing voting share this year for the first time in history:
And people hate inflation:
Americans hate inflation, full stopObama and Clinton were elected because of a bad economy. Carter lost because of one.
No traction for more positive economic developments, research says
June 20, 2024 Harvard News Gazette
Of course, like in the past, Dems had other issues this time, like Biden misrepresenting his condition and depriving Dems of an actual nomination process. But, IMHO, we need to stop reading too much into things and accept that sometimes candidates are subject to forces beyond their control.
Dems really need to up their game on throwing people under the bus if they want to regain and retain power. Maybe look to Bill Clinton for some pointers.
Why Bill Clinton really signed DOMA
The way Bernie Sanders tells it, the former president is guilty of political expediency.
Former President Clinton Defends 1996 Crime Bill, 'Super-Predators' Remark
How the First Black Surgeon General Was Silenced [by Prez. Clinton] for Considering Drug Legalization
This is Bidens genocide. Still.
#4 | Posted by redlightrobot
Give it a few months. ;-)