Hmm, that sounds like the same argument Republicans used when they blamed Obama for Bush's economic fallout, or Biden for the mess Trump left behind. You can't have it both ways.
Not the same argument, actually. We all know that it is year 2 of any new presidency that counts, wrt economics - the budget from the previous Administration extends through year 1 of the next POTUS. What this is MORE like is Repubicans blaming 9/11 on Bill Clinton, which was also ludicrous.
Funny how that always seems to work in Repubicans' favor, whenever it's something bad that happens on their watch.
Another example might be how FDT released 5,000 Taliban prisoners, then negotiated a withdrawal from Afghanistan without the existing Afghanistan government's involvement...set everything in motion, and then sicced the entire media and Repubican outrage machine on Biden for successfully overseeing the withdrawal despite FDT's mendacious sabotage.
Just sitting here eating popcorn and watching the stupid MAGA maroons offing themselves...they can't do it fast enough.