#25 | Posted by Nerfherder at 2024-12-24 09:55 AM
"LIKUD is antisemitic?"
Well, they're busy exterminating and permanently maiming/disabling hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Palestinians are semites, so yeah.
Using semantics / "anti-semantics" (?) to redefine the normal usage of the term has been "cleverly" tried since 1930s... and as usual, has been wrong - the terms "antisemite" / "antisemitic" have been first, and long since, applied specifically, as intended, only to Jews, and is separate from other more specific terms "anti-Arab," "anti-Muslim," "anti-Islamic" etc.:
en.wikipedia.org - Semitic people:
|------- Antisemitism
Main article: Antisemitism
The terms "anti-Semite" or "antisemitism" ... refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular.
In 1879, the German journalist Wilhelm Marr began the politicization of the term... in "The Way to Victory of Germanism over Judaism". He accused the Jews of being liberals, a people without roots who had Judaized Germans beyond salvation... Marr's adherents founded the "League for Anti-Semitism", which concerned itself entirely with anti-Jewish political action.
Objections to the obsolete nature of the term "Semitic" as a racial term, have been raised since at least the 1930s.
en.wikipedia.org - Antisemitism **:
|------- Antisemitism or Jew-hatred is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against, Jews. This sentiment is a form of racism, and a person who harbors it is called an antisemite. Primarily, antisemitic tendencies may be motivated by negative sentiment towards Jews as a people or by negative sentiment towards Jews with regard to Judaism.
... According to philologist Jonathan M. Hess, the term was originally used by its authors to "stress the radical difference between their own 'antisemitism' and earlier forms of antagonism toward Jews and Judaism."
... Although the term "antisemitism" did not come into common usage until the 19th century, it is also applied to previous and later anti-Jewish incidents. Notable instances of antisemitic persecution include the Rhineland massacres in 1096; the Edict of Expulsion in 1290; the European persecution of Jews during the Black Death, between 1348 and 1351; the massacre of Spanish Jews in 1391, the crackdown of the Spanish Inquisition, and the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492; the Cossack massacres in Ukraine, between 1648 and 1657; various anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire, between 1821 and 1906; the Dreyfus affair, between 1894 and 1906; the Holocaust by Nazi Germany during World War II; and various Soviet anti-Jewish policies. Historically, most of the world's violent antisemitic events have taken place in Christian Europe. However, since the early 20th century, there has been a sharp rise in antisemitic incidents across the Arab world, largely due to the surge in Arab antisemitic conspiracy theories, which have been cultivated to an extent under the aegis of European antisemitic conspiracy theories.
Attempts to attribute "From the River to the Sea" to 1977 Likud alliance platform are a diversion - as stated here before, it was about "1 State" of Jews with Arabs/Palestinians under Israel sovereignty, not genocide ("driving Jews into the sea") and Israel land belonging to "Palestinians," as Covenants of Hamas, PIJ, PLO and other terrorist orgs demand.
Usually ignored is that Jews don't do "From the River to the Sea" rallies, 21+% of Israeli citizens are Arabs/Muslims, etc.
#31 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-04 08:02 PM
Maybe the Las Vegas bombing was a Timothy McVeigh attempt with miscalculated explosive power?
He was a Green Beret, he knew very well how much power needed to be inside "bulletproof" fortified Cybertruck (which is why it was chosen in the first place) to minimize the unintended casualties. Also, he would put a much higher load inside the truck bed instead of fireworks - it was designed to create a spectacle, to get enough media attention, not to harm people or property.
www.nbcnews.com - Soldier who died in Cybertruck left writing criticizing government :
"We are the United States of America, the best country ... to ever exist, but right now, we are terminally ill and headed towards collapse." "This was not a terrorist attack. It was a wake up call. Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives. ... I need to cleanse my mind of the brothers I've lost, and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took."