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#31 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-04 08:02 PM
Maybe the Las Vegas bombing was a Timothy McVeigh attempt with miscalculated explosive power?

He was a Green Beret, he knew very well how much power needed to be inside "bulletproof" fortified Cybertruck (which is why it was chosen in the first place) to minimize the unintended casualties. Also, he would put a much higher load inside the truck bed instead of fireworks - it was designed to create a spectacle, to get enough media attention, not to harm people or property.

www.nbcnews.com - Soldier who died in Cybertruck left writing criticizing government :

"We are the United States of America, the best country ... to ever exist, but right now, we are terminally ill and headed towards collapse." "This was not a terrorist attack. It was a wake up call. Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives. ... I need to cleanse my mind of the brothers I've lost, and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took."

The world's richest man, Elon Musk, has sparked speculation after changing his name on his social media platform X to "Kekius Maximus".

Elon has done this pump-and-dump crap before, and not just with crypto, which is even easier to manipulate than worthless stocks, like, e.g., DJT, and didn't get any flack from SEC or CFTC.

"Wolf of Wall Street" and lords of "boiler rooms" have nothing on crypto schemers.

So now Elon looks to be safe for at least next 4 years, with DOTARD all-in on crypto, after calling it a "scam" in 2021... but then, reminded that scams, fraud and selling worthless things is what he's been doing all his life, and it's an easy and "mostly not illegal" way of making real money from his own "alt-coin" ($88M so far, including $30M "seed investment" from TRON founder Justin Sun, who is currently under investigation by SDNY, and whose recent claim to fame was buying 'Comedian / banana duct-taped to the wall' for $6.2M and later eating it) and crypto industry PACs donating more than $7M into his campaign and $130M to Congressional campaigns.

Anyway, the KEKIUS coin went up in price immediately by 900%, then ran up to 2600%, some other frog-meme "coins" also went up for a ride... but the euphoria didn't last long - minutes after Musk changed his eX-Twitter name and logo back to "Elon Musk" the price of KEKIUS coin and market value crashed 99%, from $400M to $2M.

God-Emperor Elon giveth a coin, God-Emperor Elon taketh a coin away. Whatcha gonna do?

"Get it while it's hot!"
"They are not making any more of it!"
"Those NFTs are your retirement!"

Not much different from HAWK coin promoted by Hawk Tuah Girl, who is now suing her crypto "partners"
nypost.com - 'Hawk Tuah' girl Haliey Welch cooperating with lawyers over her failed meme coin

www.lowyinstitute.org - Donald Trump and the "crypto capital of the planet"


|------- In 1879, German journalist Wilhelm Marr published a pamphlet... in which he used the word Semitismus interchangeably with the word Judentum to denote both "Jewry" (the Jews as a collective) and "Jewishness" (the quality of being Jewish, or the Jewish spirit). He accused the Jews of a worldwide conspiracy against non-Jews, called for resistance against "this foreign power", and claimed that "there will be absolutely no public office, even the highest one, which the Jews will not have usurped".

This followed his 1862 book Die Judenspiegel (A Mirror to the Jews) in which he argued that "Judaism must cease to exist if humanity is to commence", demanding both that Judaism be dissolved as a "religious-denominational sect" but also subject to criticism "as a race, a civil and social entity".

This use of Semitismus was followed by a coining of "Antisemitismus" which was used to indicate opposition to the Jews as a people and opposition to the Jewish spirit, which Marr interpreted as infiltrating German culture.

The pamphlet became very popular, and in the same year Marr founded the Antisemiten-Liga (League of Antisemites)... The league was the first German organization committed specifically to combating the alleged threat to Germany and German culture posed by the Jews and their influence and advocating their forced removal from the country.

... In the aftermath of the Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938, German propaganda minister Goebbels announced: "The German people is anti-Semitic. It has no desire to have its rights restricted or to be provoked in the future by parasites of the Jewish race."

... Europe has blamed the Jews for an encyclopedia of sins.
The Church blamed the Jews for killing Jesus; Voltaire blamed the Jews for inventing Christianity. In the febrile minds of anti-Semites, Jews were usurers and well-poisoners and spreaders of disease. Jews were the creators of both communism and capitalism; they were clannish but also cosmopolitan; cowardly and warmongering; self-righteous moralists and defilers of culture. Ideologues and demagogues of many permutations have understood the Jews to be a singularly malevolent force standing between the world and its perfection. ...

#25 | Posted by Nerfherder at 2024-12-24 09:55 AM
"LIKUD is antisemitic?"

Well, they're busy exterminating and permanently maiming/disabling hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Palestinians are semites, so yeah.

Using semantics / "anti-semantics" (?) to redefine the normal usage of the term has been "cleverly" tried since 1930s... and as usual, has been wrong - the terms "antisemite" / "antisemitic" have been first, and long since, applied specifically, as intended, only to Jews, and is separate from other more specific terms "anti-Arab," "anti-Muslim," "anti-Islamic" etc.:

en.wikipedia.org - Semitic people:
|------- Antisemitism
Main article: Antisemitism

The terms "anti-Semite" or "antisemitism" ... refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular.

In 1879, the German journalist Wilhelm Marr began the politicization of the term... in "The Way to Victory of Germanism over Judaism". He accused the Jews of being liberals, a people without roots who had Judaized Germans beyond salvation... Marr's adherents founded the "League for Anti-Semitism", which concerned itself entirely with anti-Jewish political action.

Objections to the obsolete nature of the term "Semitic" as a racial term, have been raised since at least the 1930s.

en.wikipedia.org - Antisemitism **:
|------- Antisemitism or Jew-hatred is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against, Jews. This sentiment is a form of racism, and a person who harbors it is called an antisemite. Primarily, antisemitic tendencies may be motivated by negative sentiment towards Jews as a people or by negative sentiment towards Jews with regard to Judaism.

... According to philologist Jonathan M. Hess, the term was originally used by its authors to "stress the radical difference between their own 'antisemitism' and earlier forms of antagonism toward Jews and Judaism."

... Although the term "antisemitism" did not come into common usage until the 19th century, it is also applied to previous and later anti-Jewish incidents. Notable instances of antisemitic persecution include the Rhineland massacres in 1096; the Edict of Expulsion in 1290; the European persecution of Jews during the Black Death, between 1348 and 1351; the massacre of Spanish Jews in 1391, the crackdown of the Spanish Inquisition, and the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492; the Cossack massacres in Ukraine, between 1648 and 1657; various anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire, between 1821 and 1906; the Dreyfus affair, between 1894 and 1906; the Holocaust by Nazi Germany during World War II; and various Soviet anti-Jewish policies. Historically, most of the world's violent antisemitic events have taken place in Christian Europe. However, since the early 20th century, there has been a sharp rise in antisemitic incidents across the Arab world, largely due to the surge in Arab antisemitic conspiracy theories, which have been cultivated to an extent under the aegis of European antisemitic conspiracy theories.


Attempts to attribute "From the River to the Sea" to 1977 Likud alliance platform are a diversion - as stated here before, it was about "1 State" of Jews with Arabs/Palestinians under Israel sovereignty, not genocide ("driving Jews into the sea") and Israel land belonging to "Palestinians," as Covenants of Hamas, PIJ, PLO and other terrorist orgs demand.

Usually ignored is that Jews don't do "From the River to the Sea" rallies, 21+% of Israeli citizens are Arabs/Muslims, etc.

Trump Threatens to Retake the Panama Canal

Looks like Trump possibly wants to apply pressure and make a "deal" to escape another one of his fraudulent / Russian money laundering "business" entanglements in his "licensed name" hotels - tax evasion and outright business fraud case re Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower in Panama, which has been sitting in NY Court for Southern District:

www.newsweek.com - Trump Organization Accused of Tax Evasion in Panama - Dec. 23, 2024

www.reuters.com - Ivanka and the fugitive from Panama | USA-TRUMP/PANAMA - Reuters, Nov 17, 2017

www.nbcnews.com - A Panama tower carries Trump's name and ties to organized crime - NBC, Nov 17, 2017

|------- ... No one asked about the money
In the interview, Ventura admitted that some of his brokers and clients who bought and sold units in the Trump Ocean Club were connected to the Russian mafia and other organized-crime groups, including a convicted money launderer who moved cash for drug cartels.

"I had some customers with questionable backgrounds," he said. "Nobody ever asked me. Banks never asked. Developer didn't ask and (the) Trump Organization didn't ask. Nobody ask, 'Who are the customers, where did the money come from?' No, nobody ask."

The Trump Organization was not the actual developer of the Panama tower. Thanks in large part to the hit NBC television show "The Apprentice," the Trump name was recognized all over the world and the Panama deal was structured to capitalize on that brand. For this deal, the Trump Organization would license its brand, operate the hotel and sell its expertise in managing the building, receiving a cut of every condo sale.

... Panama offered Donald Trump a new way to make money at a time when his businesses were struggling. (The Trump casino empire filed for bankruptcy in 2004.)

... In the mid-2000s Panama was known as a money laundering hotspot. At that time the Trump companies were in dire trouble. He changed his business model to license his name and his brand to other people's developments, and very often they would be inexperienced developers, low-profile people who needed a name to sell their developments. So Trump would go into a licensing deal, which meant he invested nothing, but could make a profit from it."

Ventura says about half of the units he sold at the Trump Ocean Club were to Russians. ...

Ceballos, who says he investigated transactions related to the Trump Ocean Club during his stint as an anti-corruption prosecutor in Panama, describes the building as a magnet for international organized crime, particularly from Russia. ...

Art of the deal, baby! Art of the Trump deal! "Because when you are a star, they let you do it!"

Israel's government has approved a plan to encourage the expansion of settlements in the occupied Golan Heights

For those who don't understand, Golan Heights is a mountainous, very inhospitable to human life, area that currently has less than 8,000 families, mostly Druze - yet from military perspective it provides a strategically essential area and a buffer zone, for Israel's and Jordan's security. Living in the Golans is no picnic and, being a buffer zone, is extremely dangerous.

Most Druze have long left the area to live better lives in Israel or Lebanon when Israel took over the area after the 1967 war (one of several existential wars they fought against Soviet Union-backed Arab coalition countries) and those that remained have been safe under Israel's protection. The last time they came under attack was when Hezbollah's rocket killed 12 Druze school students playing soccer in July 2024.

Now that Syria has been taken over by IS branch, and Turkey has taken over and occupies about 18% of Syria, presenting growing threat to Kurds (and oil fields) as Erdogan pronouncing that "Allah wants Turkiye not to be confined to its borders and wants us to expand beyond" **, and severely weakened Ayatollah in Iran is trying to destabilize Jordan by forging alliances with HTS and new substate Islamist terrorists and smuggling weapons to and through Jordan, Israel needs to expand a buffer zone to protect itself and Jordan from the kind of attacks that happened on 10/7 and was planned by Hezbollah in the north, before their leadership, munitions and tunnels were destroyed by IDF.

Syria is being carved up anew, and Israel is taking security measures appropriate to new circumstances and new threats, in light of new leaderships and alliances in the region.

|------- ... In Ankara on Wednesday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkiye cannot be leashed and "escape its fate."

"We will be in a much better place in the future. Turkiye is not just a place confined in an area of 782,000 square kilometers. History has a mission designated for us and we have to act in line with this. Some people cannot grasp it. They cannot grasp what we are doing in Libya or Somalia, they are not unaware of our mission. Those unable to see the transformation of Turkiye cannot see the course of developments we went through. We won't waste time with them and will focus on our goals. I believe you will undertake your responsibility in this sacred journey."

UnitedHealth Is Strategically Limiting Access to Critical Treatment for Kids with Autism

#1 | Posted by oi_veh at 2024-12-14 05:49 PM
It seems that the more inoculations we give them, the more health problems occur.

Oy vey, more of the thoroughly debunked RFKjr "Vaccines cause autism and..." conspiracy theories nonsense. Just like COVID vaccines "#diedsuddenly" anecdotes keep popping up.

No, the US children, on average, are much healthier today, and have lower mortality and acquired disability rates from genetic and acquired diseases than in pre-vaccines era, in large part due to post-partum and childhood vaccinations... until they get to school age and get overweight/obese.

#2 | Posted by oi_veh at 2024-12-14 05:50 PM
It seems that the more single mothers we give them, the more health problems occur

Kardashians single mothers strongly disagree. Kardashians think it's not because "mothers are single," but because a large percentage of "single mothers" are relatively poor and have to juggle childcare and work, food, shelter, etc.

Marriage, as it turns out, has not been a solution to "single mothers" problem - "Risk of poverty is higher for women after divorce and separation. Studies show that women fair worse financially after divorce, and getting primary custody of the kids actually increases risk of poverty for them."


OT, but somewhat related to UnitedHealthcare: when I heard that Luigi Mangione was caught at Altoona, PA, it immediately brought to mind movie "Diamond Men" with Robert Forster.

www.rogerebert.com - Diamond Men (2002)
FTA: Bobby takes it as his personal assignment to get Eddie laid and after various schemes... Bobby takes Eddie to the Altoona Riding Club, which is a discreet rural brothel...

"And that's all I have to say about that."

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